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词汇 show no signs of
例句 The heavy rain showed no signs of slackening off.大雨没有减弱的迹象。The vessels showed no signs of any progress of the disease.从脉管上看不出病情有进一步发展的迹象。He showed no signs of depression over the result.对于这一结果,他没有显示出任何抑郁的迹象。A medical examination showed no signs of hypertension.健康检查并未显示有高血压的迹象。The medical report showed no signs of poison in the body but the police still suspect foul play.化验报告显示体内并无任何毒药迹象,但警方仍怀疑这是谋杀。She seemed calm and showed no signs of distress.她似乎很平静,看不出任何悲痛的迹象。The demand for mobile phones shows no signs of dropping off.人们对手机的需求并未出现下降的迹象。The planet showed no signs of life. 那个星球上没有生命迹象。She had showed no signs of rallying since the operation.她手术后还没有康复的迹象。They were in good physical health and showed no signs of mistreatment.他们身体很好,没有受虐待的迹象。The animals showed no signs of being upset.动物没有表现出烦躁的迹象。The driver showed no signs of life.这位司机没有任何生命迹象。The team showed no signs of tiredness.球队没有一丝疲劳的迹象。If he was shaken by the narrowness of his recent escape he showed no signs of it.若说最近死里逃生的经历令他受到了惊吓,那他可一点都没表现出来。The number of openly gay rock musicians has grown steadily in recent years, and shows no signs of abating.近年来公开承认自己是同性恋的摇滚音乐人人数在持续增加,而且没有减少的迹象。The crime rate shows no signs of going down.犯罪率没有任何下降的迹象。Republicans show no signs of letting up on that issue.共和党人丝毫没有在那个问题上手下留情的意思。He showed no signs of illness.他没有生病的迹象。The recession shows no signs of easing in the immediate future.这次经济衰退没有迹象表明马上就会缓和。




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