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例句 Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。She denied showing favouritism to any of her students.她否认偏袒任何一个学生。Her slip was showing.她的衬裙露出来了。The train station has an electronic board showing all departure times.火车站有一个显示所有列车出发时间的电子显示屏。Where is the film showing?这部影片在哪儿上映? Billy, please stop showing off and sit down quietly!比利,请别炫耀了,安安静静地坐下来!She is not afraid of showing her true feelings.她不害怕表露她的真实情感。Don't be bashful about showing others what you can do.向别人展示你的才能时别难为情。The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.那则广告在利用我们的情感,画面上是一位医生抱着一个新生婴儿。She had an impressive showing in the local elections.她在地方选举中表现抢眼。The company wants to avoid showing its hand about its decision until next month.公司想等到下个月再披露其决定。He is reserved, seldom showing his own thoughts.他为人缄默寡言,很少表露自己的想法。Western businessmen are showing remarkable prudence in investing in the region.西方企业家在向该区投资时表现出非同一般的深谋远虑。The dress was black lace with a blue underlay showing through.那件裙子是用黑色蕾丝和若隐若现的蓝色衬里做的。The officer's mouth opened, showing white, even teeth.那个军官咧开嘴,露出洁白整齐的牙齿。I've been showing my dogs for over ten years.我已经带我的狗参展十几年了。Unless she was very much mistaken, he was showing off for her.除非是她弄错了,他是炫耀给她看的。It's now showing at cinemas across London.现在全伦敦的电影院都在放映它。He smiled showing his teeth, which were a revolting yellow colour.他笑起来露出了牙齿,黄黄的令人恶心。He was showing some attitude during practice today, so the coach benched him.他今天训练时耍态度,所以教练让他坐板凳。Dale is showing some of his work in one of the galleries downtown.戴尔要在城里的一家画廊展出他的部分作品。They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play by showing war in its true horror.他们通过展示战争恐怖的实质剥除了该剧宣扬沙文主义的外衣。The economy is showing the first signs of recovery.经济正呈现出最初的复苏迹象。Robson was far from disheartened by his team's showing.罗布森根本没有对他团队的表现感到灰心丧气。It's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe's giant screens.这个咖啡馆很嘈杂,室内的一个大屏幕上不停地播放着电影片断。David made a gesture, spreading out his hands as if he were showing that he had no explanation to make.戴维做了个手势,摊开双手,好像在说他没什么可解释的。The website has clickable maps showing hotel locations.网站上有地图,点击打开后可显示各宾馆的位置。They are showing a marked disinclination to pursue these opportunities.他们对争取这些机会明显表现出不乐意。The students are showing their disapproval by refusing to attend lectures.学生们通过罢课来表达他们的反对。He was showing off his latest acquisition, a new computer game.他正在炫耀他最新到手的一个新电脑游戏。Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva.迈克尔正给护士示范如何把他的唾液吸出来。Youngsters love to congregate here in the evenings outside cinemas showing American films.晚上,年轻人喜欢聚集在放映美国电影的电影院外面。Many of the horses were showing signs of distress at the end of the race.比赛接近尾声时,许多马匹都表现出非常痛苦的样子。The art museum is showing a photography exhibit. 这家艺术博物馆正在举行一场摄影展。The economy is showing signs of faltering.经济正出现衰退的迹象。In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship, Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。It was a great showing by the Brazilian team.这场比赛成了巴西队的表演赛。He bought a map showing the population distribution of Scotland.他买了一张苏格兰人口分布图。He couldn't resist showing off on the tennis court.他忍不住要在网球场上表现一番。He's always showing off to his classmates.他老是在同学面前炫耀。




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