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例句 He bought us tickets to the best show in town.他为我们买了门票去看市中心最精彩的表演。We were offered a package deal that included plane tickets, hotel accommodations, and tickets to shows in the area.我们得到的是套票服务,其中包括机票、酒店住宿和当地的演出门票。It's easy to get a seat at the best shows in town.很容易搞到城里顶级演出的票。Her tracks showed in the snow.她的足迹在雪地上十分明显。Lenny Henry, the famous British comedian, will appear in a show in London next week.著名英国喜剧演员莱尼·亨利将于下周在伦敦登台表演。The team put on a poor show in the second half.球队下半场表现差劲。It is absolutely the best show in town.这绝对是城里最好的演出。His envy showed in a twist of the mouth.他嘴巴一歪显出妒忌的样子。Her singing career took off after an appearance on Johnny Carson's "Tonight' show in America.在美国约翰尼·卡森的《今晚》节目中亮相之后,她的歌唱事业迅速起飞。There will be more documentaries and fewer quiz shows in the autumn season on TV.秋季电视上会播放更多的纪录片,智力问答节目会比较少。Street lamps began to show in the greyness.路灯开始在灰暗的夜色中闪光。The signs of chronic exhaustion showed in Martha's face.玛莎的脸上显出长期疲劳的痕迹。Tomorrow is the opening night of her show in Cork Street, London.明天晚上她在伦敦科克街举行的个人展品正式开幕。These pictures will be on show in our shop next week.这些画将于下周在我店展出。She has been appearing in a show in London.她一直在伦敦演一部音乐剧。The ravages of the fire showed in the splintered woodwork and blistered paint.零碎的焦木块和斑驳的漆皮都显示出这场火灾的破坏有多严重。I've done dozens of shows in the north of England, and the audiences were great!我在英格兰北部表演过几十次,观众很热情!Her good breeding shows in her exquisite manners.她高雅的举止显示出她良好的教养。Maple trees put on their best show in the autumn.秋天,枫树便呈现出最绚丽的色彩。The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。He's performed his comedy show in nightclubs across the country.他在全国各地的夜总会表演他的喜剧秀。A glimmer of amusement showed in her eyes.她的眼中露出一丝笑意。Some of those photos they show in tabloid newspapers are nothing but porn.他们在小报中展示的那些照片有些纯粹是色情照片。Her worry showed in her eyes.她的眼神显露忧愁。This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous.这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。If you really want to splash out , let's go to dinner and a show in town.你要真想挥霍一下的话,咱们就去城里下馆子再看场演出。It is altogether the best show in town.这基本上可算全城首屈一指的好戏了。Cracks began to show in his façade of self-confidence.他自信的外表下开始露出破绽。We went down to see a show in London not so long ago.不久前我们到伦敦看演出去了。The artifacts will be put on show in the museum.这些手工艺品将在博物馆展出。How about going shopping and seeing a show in London?.去伦敦购物再看场演出怎么样?A trace of hesitancy showed in Dr. Stockton's eyes.斯托克顿医生的眼里流露出一丝犹豫。The band was booked for a benefit show in Los Angeles.这个乐队已约定在洛杉矶进行义演。I saw him do his one-man show in London, which I loved.我在伦敦看过他的独角戏,非常喜欢。Which do you think is the best one that showed in Broadway this month?这个月在百老汇上演的节目中,你认为哪一个最好?His attention to detail shows in the quality of his work.他对细节的关注体现在他作品的品质上。She became well-known as a newscaster before getting her own talk show in Chicago.她原来是一位知名的新闻播音员,后来在芝加哥有自己的电视访谈节目。Mallory's lack of political experience shows in some of the decisions he's made.马洛里缺乏从政经验,这在他所作的一些决定上表现了出来。These are just some of the exciting works of art on show in Britain today.这些只是今天在英国展出的新奇艺术作品中的一部分。




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