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词汇 shovel
例句 I have to shovel the driveway.我得把私家车道上的积雪铲除。He has to get out and shovel snow.他得出去铲雪了。It didn't take them long to shovel a path through the snow.他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。He was working with a shovel.他在用铲子干活。He held the shovel by the/its handle.他握着铁锹的把手。He jammed his shovel into the sandy soil.他使劲把铲子插进沙土。This new snow shovel makes short work of clearing off the driveway.这把新雪铲清扫起私家车道来容易多了。The men started to shovel dirt into the open grave.这些人开始往敞开的坟墓里铲土。They were using a mechanical shovel to clear up the streets.他们用机械铲土机清理街道。They have a list of shovel-ready projects, all approved but shelved for lack of funds.他们有一系列的工程可以立刻动工,都是已经获得批准但是缺乏资金的项目。The site is shovel-ready, so development could start tomorrow.工地已经处于可以动工状态,所以明天可以开始动工。He picked up a shovel and laid to with the others.他拿起铲子同大家一起大干。He used a shovel to clear the snow off/from the driveway. = He used a shovel to clear the driveway of snow.他用铁锹清除私家车道上的积雪。She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.她用镐和平锹挖地基。He grasped the shovel by the/its handle. 他握着铁锹的锹把儿。He was working with a pick and shovel.他在用镐和铲干活。And he did it with pick and shovel and his own sweat, not like me, having it easy with a machine.他靠的是镐、铲子和自己的汗水,不像我用机器那么轻松。When it snows I have to shovel the driveway.下雪时,我得去把车道上的雪铲干净。The snow was so deep we had to shovel a path to our front door.积雪太深,我们不得不铲出一条通向自家门前的小路。She went out to shovel the snow.她出去铲雪了。A shovel and rake stood in the corner.角落里竖着一把铁铲和一把耙子。I had to shovel for an hour to clear the driveway.我不得不花一个小时才把私家车道上的积雪清理干净。Investors are continuing to shovel cash into their stock funds.投资者继续把大量的现金投入股票基金。He took a shovel, dug a hole, and buried his once-prized possessions.他拿起一把铁锨,挖了个坑,将自己曾经珍爱的物品埋了起来。He snapped the tree's thick root with a wrench of the shovel.他用铁锹猛地一扭,折断了这棵树粗壮的树根。




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