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词汇 short time
例句 It's a mystery to me how he can get so much work done in such a short time.真搞不懂他怎么能在这么短的时间里干这么多的事。The company hasn't laid anyone off, but a number of employees have been put on short time.公司没有解雇任何员工,但是给一些员工减少了工时。A short time later, he was overpowered by police.片刻之后,他被警方制伏了。He was able to sum us up in a very short time.他能在很短的时间里概括出我们的特点。The company only started trading a short time ago.公司不久前才开始从事贸易。They stopped for a short time to rest the horses.他们稍停了一会儿,让马歇口气。We will be able to stay here only a short time.我们只能在这里停留很短的时间。After a short time the oxygen and the nitrogen molecules will start to mix.再过片刻,氧分子和氮分子将开始结合在一起。So what is the government's reaction to this news? A short time ago our political correspondent Jon Lander spoke to the Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook.那么政府对此消息有什么反应?我们的政治记者乔恩·兰德不久前刚与外交大臣罗宾·库克交谈过。It must have needed a great deal of self-discipline for you to lose so much weight in such a short time.这么短的时间内你体重减轻那么多,这一定需要很大的自我约束能力。It is difficult to readjust ourselves to life in a foreign country in a short time.我们要想在短期内重新适应异国的生活是不容易的。Just a short time before, they had been beaming with optimism.就在不多久前,他们还在乐呵呵地笑着。The workers at the mill were put on short time.那个面粉厂的工人不得不面临开工不足。To be fair, these are complicated, serious issues, and the department has only been discussing them for a short time.说句公道话,这些问题都很复杂、很严重,该部门才刚刚开始讨论。We marvelled that he had learned six languages in a short time.我们感到惊讶的是,他在短时间里学会了六种语言。It would be next to impossible to do the job in such a short time.这么短的时间里干这件事是不大可能的。In a short time the number of cells is more than a trillion.不久细胞的数量就超过了一万亿。Workers across the country have been put on short time because of the slump in demand.因需求量大幅下降,全国的工人都开工不足。His youth and short time with the firm are likely to militate against him.他还太嫩,在公司的时间也短,这可能会让他吃亏。The police arrived within a very short time.警察没一会儿就赶到了。She's achieved a lot in the short time she's been with the company.她进了公司后短短的时间里做成了很多事情。Within a short time, everything on the submarine was buttoned up.在很短时间内,潜水艇上一切都封闭好了。For the short time that she was to stay in Paris, he recalled, the whole world was at Catherine's feet.他回忆说,凯瑟琳在巴黎短暂停留期间,全世界都为之倾倒。After the operation you may feel disorientated for a short time.手术后你可能会感到短暂的头晕。Expecting people to do a good job in such a short time is asking the impossible.指望人们在如此短的时间里把工作做好是不可能的。He swilled three buns in a short time.不一会儿他就吞下了三个圆面包。We lost radio contact with the ship for a short time. 我们暂时和那条船失去了无线电联系。Unfortunately, we could only spend a short time together.遗憾的是,我们能在一起的时间只有很短一段。The answer dried him up for a short time.那个回答使他一时无话可说。A short time later I heard a noise outside and went to investigate.过了一小会儿我听到外面有响声便出去查看。A short time later they sat down to eat.过了一小会儿,他们坐下来吃东西。Many factories have had to go on to short time because trade is so bad.由于交易清淡,许多工厂不得不缩短工作时间。The talk should only last a short time.会谈应该只持续很短的一段时间。K. Branagh and co. achieved great success in a very short time.布拉纳那帮人在很短的时间内取得了巨大的成功。The announcement was made a short time ago.通告是不久前刚发布的。He ran through his winnings in a short time.他很快就把他赢来的钱花光了。They chummed up in a short time.他们在很短时间内就成为好朋友了。Seeing the tramp, Thomas remembered how he himself had been poor only a short time ago.看到这个流浪汉,托马斯想起了就在不久前他自己还是多么的贫穷。The heat was tolerable for only a short time.这种高温人只能短时间忍受。Your friends left a short time ago.你朋友走了没多久。




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