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词汇 short
例句 I didn't know if I would get an appointment at such short notice.我不知道在这么短的时间我能否得到约见。He read out a short passage from the Bible.他朗读了《圣经》里的一小段。We cut our holiday short because Rachel fell ill.由于雷切尔病倒,我们提前结束了假期。He gave her short sharp instructions.他给她简明的指示。The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。He writes short stories for a monthly magazine.他为一家月刊杂志撰写短篇小说。The party is short of heavy hitters.该政党缺少重量级人物。They do not appear to the short of cash.看来他们并不缺现钱。My words gave him a short rest from fear.我的话使他畏惧的心境暂时安定下来。After a short visit, they took to the road again.短暂的参观之后,他们再次上路了。They performed a short dramatic piece written for the king's birthday.他们表演了一部为国王生日写的短话剧。Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head.她的短发顶心乱糟糟的,周围一圈却很平整,十分怪异。This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain.这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。Could you make a short summary of this article for me?你能为我写一个这篇文章的概要吗?Her hair was cropped short.她把头发剪短了。Our fund-raising fell/was short of the mark. 我们没有募集到足够的资金。The lights were not working because of a short circuit.因为短路,电灯不亮了。You should be able to answer the question in a single sentence, and a short one at that.你应该能用一个句子,而且是一个简短的句子来回答这个问题。Don't be caught short! Make sure you stock up on supplies before you set out on your trip.别少了什么!旅行出发前你一定要备好充足的用品。The resolution stopped short of an outright declaration of independence.这项决议几乎成为公开的独立宣言。He was short and thin, with hollow eyes.他又矮又瘦,双眼凹陷。He found work as a short-order cook in a local diner.他在当地一家小餐馆找了份做快餐的工作。We're short of milk, so go easy with it.我们的牛奶不多,所以要省着点。We were short of money. Added to that, we were lost!我们钱不够。更倒霉的是,我们迷路了!She stopped short of denouncing him as a monster.她差点骂他是怪物。A good way to sound confident is to use short punchy sentences.使用短小精悍的句子会让人听上去充满信心。We've been to the state tournament four times, but we've come up short every time.我们四次参加州锦标赛,每一次都落败而归。It's not exactly a novel, more an extended short story.这不完全是部长篇小说,更像是一部加长了的短篇小说。We had to cut short our holiday because Richard was ill.我们不得不缩短了假期,因为理查德病了。Some landlords have resorted to short-term rentals.有些房东采取了短期租赁的方式。It has stout legs which terminate in short and hard feet.它有一双又肥又粗的腿,末端是又短又硬的脚。A short opening paragraph enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.开头的小段落使读者很快就能明白文章的大意。The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.政府目前缺少可以支付进口产品的硬通货。Afro hair is short and tightly curled.非洲式发型是浓密的小短卷。There will be a short ceremony at the war memorial.在战争纪念碑旁要举行一个简短仪式。The judgment based on grounds short of actual proof may be quite mistaken.以缺乏实际证据的理由为根据作出的判断有可能是十分错误的。Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a short stay.这些移民大多是短暂停留后即返回西班牙的匆匆过客。She prefaces the book with a short account of what influenced her to write it.她在书的前言中简要说明了促使她写这本书的原因。How could you do it in such a short period of time?.你是怎么在如此短的时间里做到的?That's nothing short of a jack-in-the-box surprise.那件事可真是大大出乎意料。




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