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词汇 shopping mall
例句 A shopping mall was built in the teeth of fierce opposition.尽管遭到强烈反对,一家大型购物中心还是建了起来。The bus station is close to the shopping mall.公交车站在购物中心旁边。Plans for the new shopping mall are yet to be officially approved.新购物中心的建造计划尚未取得正式批准。This is a very busy area, what with the school, the bus station, and the new shopping mall.这是个非常热闹的地区,因为有学校,有公共汽车站,还有新建的购物商场。Environmental groups and residents have united to protest against plans for a new shopping mall.环保团体和居民联合起来反对建造新的购物中心的计划。The design of the new shopping mall is almost complete, although there are still some unresolved difficulties.新购物中心的设计尽管仍有难题尚未解决,但差不多已完成了。Rowan worked as a sales assistant in a Beverly Hills shopping mall.罗恩在贝弗利山庄的一个购物中心里当营业员。Town residents are pushing to prevent the shopping mall from being built.镇上的居民正竭力阻止修建那个购物中心。With regard to the proposed new shopping mall, I would like to add a few remarks to those of the previous speaker.关于提议的这个新的购物中心,我想给前一位的发言补充几句。The nearest shopping mall is two towns away.最近的购物中心离这里有两个集镇的距离。There are always gangs of kids hanging around the shopping mall.购物中心里总是有一帮帮年轻人在游荡。The plans for a new shopping mall are backed by the city council.新的购物中心的建筑方案得到市政委员会的支持。There's an antiseptic feeling to the new town centre, with its covered shopping mall.新建的市中心购物广场上面架了棚顶,一切过于整洁而显得有些呆板。The shopping mall was mobbed by herds of adolescent females.购物广场挤满了成群的小娘儿们。They took a nice field and turned it into just another shopping mall.他们选了块好地段,把它建成了另一家购物中心。There are plans to build a new shopping mall on the outskirts of town.有计划要在市郊建造一座新的购物中心。The website is a virtual shopping mall.这个网站是一家虚拟商城。They've built a great big shopping mall in the centre of town.他们在市中心建造了一个规模非常大的购物中心。It's far from the shopping mall.它离购物中心很远。My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。They voted to halt expansion of the shopping mall.他们投票阻止那家购物中心扩建。Cheng raced through a crowded shopping mall in pursuit of the man who had grabbed her purse.程穿过拥挤的购物中心快速追赶那名抢了她钱包的男子。A new shopping mall will be built on the derelict land.在这片废弃的土地上将要新建一座大型购物中心。Local businesses are being hammered by the new shopping mall.当地商家正受到新的购物中心的挤压。They want to build another shopping mall here, but we think it's completely unnecessary.他们要在这里再建一个大商场,但我们觉得这毫无必要。




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