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词汇 shoppers
例句 Some manufacturers see the current labelling regulations as licence to mislead shoppers.一些制造商把现行的标签法规当作误导消费者的许可证。Two shoppers were injured in the stampede as shop doors opened on the first day of the sale.大减价的第一天商店开门时,人们蜂拥而入,导致两名顾客受伤。The store was crammed with shoppers.商店里挤满了顾客。Being trapped in the elevator was a harrowing ordeal for the shoppers.被困在电梯里对购物的人来说真是苦不堪言。To gauge consumer reaction, we interviewed shoppers.为了对消费者的反应进行评估,我们对顾客进行了采访。The city streets are alive with shoppers.城市街道上到处都是来来往往的购物者。The mall was teeming with shoppers that Saturday.那个周六,购物中心里挤满了顾客。An elevator was available for the shoppers' convenience.为方便起见,购物者可乘坐电梯。He ran to the top of the building spraying bullets into shoppers below.他跑到楼顶上,向下面的购物人群开枪扫射。Today more shoppers are using coupons and buying items in bulk.如今更多顾客都用优惠券,买起东西来都是大批量的。Curious shoppers lifted up their children to take a closer look at the parade.好奇的购物者把自己的孩子举起来,好让他们更清楚地看到游行的队伍。The precinct gets so busy with shoppers on a Saturday.到了周六,这地方就随处可见购物者的身影。The department store was a beehive of shoppers.百货商店里乱哄哄地挤满了顾客。We are a nation of supermarket shoppers.我们的国人习惯到超市购物。The flower market was bustling with shoppers.花市里熙熙攘攘,挤满顾客。He burst through the revolving door and mowed down a couple of shoppers.他冲出旋转门,撞倒了几名顾客。Crowds of shoppers sweltered in the summer heat.在夏日的高温下,成群的购物者感到酷热难耐。There were throngs of shoppers in the mall.商场里有很多顾客。Out-of-town stores continue to lure shoppers away from town centres.位于市郊的商店继续吸引购物者从市中心来此购物。A herd of shoppers waited anxiously for the store to open.许多消费者在焦急地等待商店开门。The money for the Christmas lights was raised by a group of local shopkeepers, who want to attract shoppers to the area.圣诞节彩灯的资金是当地一些店主筹集的,他们希望吸引购物者到该区去。Extra buses are being laid on for late-night shoppers.特意为深夜购物者加开了几班公共汽车。The streets were crowded with Christmas shoppers.街上挤满了购买圣诞物品的人。Watching the shoppers at the sales gave her a first-hand insight into crowd psychology.观察购物者在商品减价时的行为使她获得了洞察大众心理的第一手资料。He pushed through the scrum of holiday shoppers.他挤过了熙熙攘攘的节日购物人群。They're discriminating shoppers.他们是识货的买主。Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety.单单是繁多的商品种类就让一些购物者晕头转向了。They took a survey of shoppers to find out which brands people liked best.他们对顾客做了调查,看大家最喜欢什么品牌。The supermarkets were cleaned out by panicking shoppers.恐慌的购物者把超市的东西都买光了。Compulsive shoppers often never even open the goods they buy.很多有强迫性购物行为的人买了东西常常连打都不打开。Saturday-morning shoppers were herding along the sidewalk.星期六上午上街购物的人群在人行道上成群走过。I battled my way through droves of shoppers.我奋力挤过一群又一群的购物者。The cheap deals brought out big crowds of shoppers.低廉的价格吸引了众多的购物者。Most shoppers prefer chip and pin to the old system.与旧的系统相比,大多数顾客都更喜欢芯片密码系统。The street was thronged with shoppers.街上挤满了购物的人群。The store was crowded with shoppers.商店里挤满了购物者。The establishment has drawn shoppers from the West End and further afield.这家商店吸引着西区以及更远地方的顾客。The shops prepared for an invasion of last-minute Christmas shoppers.各商店做好了准备迎接圣诞节前最后一批蜂拥而入的购物者。Many shoppers will buy environmentally friendly washing powders even if they are slightly more expensive.对环境无害的洗衣粉即使稍贵,许多人也都愿意购买。The muggers stole his mobile and wallet in full view of a crowd of shoppers.那些行凶抢劫者就在购物者的众目睽睽之下抢走了他的手机和钱包。




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