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词汇 shirt
例句 Her red shirt ran and made my blue jeans look purple.她的红衬衫渗色,让我的蓝牛仔裤看上去发紫了。The shirt and the tie are colour coordinates.这件衬衫和这条领带的颜色正配套。She's ironing his shirt.她在烫他的衬衫。I went to Brooks Brothers and bought myself a decent shirt.我去布鲁克斯兄弟专卖店给自己买了一件体面的衬衫。He had on a black shirt and jeans.他穿着黑衬衫和牛仔裤。His shirt was completely unbuttoned.他的衬衫完全敞开着。He ran into the street, the tails of his crumped shirt flying.他疾步奔上大街,皱皱巴巴衬衫的后背下摆飘拂不停。Your shirt is drying on the clothesline.你的衬衫正在晒衣绳上晾干。The fit of this shirt is a bit tight.这件衬衫穿起来稍微紧点。Bill was wearing a polo shirt and baggy blue pants.比尔穿了一件马球衬衫和一条蓝色的宽松裤。You've put on your sweat shirt backwards.你把汗衫前后穿倒了。There was a speck or two of blood on his shirt.他的衬衣上有一两滴血迹。I ironed the shirt.我把衬衫熨好了。I had the mortification to see my coat, shirt and waistcoat swim away.眼看上衣、衬衫、背心一一漂走,我好不狼狈。His shirt has a small discoloration on the sleeve.他的衬衫袖子上有个小污点。I've got a dirty mark on my shirt, but I can soak it out.我衬衫上沾了污迹,不过我能把它洗掉。Your shirt is untucked.你的衬衫没塞进裤子里。They print black-and-white drawings on to the shirt.他们在衬衫上印上了黑白图画。Keep your shirt on! Your car isn't even scratched!别生气!你的车连剐蹭的痕迹都没有!His shirt had creased a little in the suitcase.他的衬衣放在手提箱里变得有点儿皱了。How did you get that mark on your shirt?你衬衣上的污渍是怎么弄的?Tell him to keep his shirt on until we're ready.告诉他在我们准备好之前要耐着性子。He had undone the buttons of his shirt, exposing an unsightly expanse of white flesh.他解开衬衫纽扣,露出一片白花花的肉,很不雅观。He wore a shirt beneath his coat.他在外套里面穿了件衬衫。His wet shirt clung to his body.他的湿衬衫紧贴在身上。This shirt is your size.这件衬衫是你这号尺寸的。His shirt was a bilious shade of green.他的衬衫是那种令人反感的绿色。Go and put on a clean shirt.去换上一件干净衬衣。If your shirt collar's too tight, undo your top button.如果衬衫领口太紧,就把第一颗纽扣解开。Chet tore off his shirt and used it to plug the hole in the canoe.切特从衬衫上扯下一块布用来堵住独木舟的洞。I picked a shirt from the closet.我从衣橱里挑了一件衬衫。I washed the shirt twice, but I couldn't get the stain out.这件衬衫我洗两次了,可还是除不掉那处污渍。There's blood on your shirt.你的衬衫上沾了血。This month's offers include a shirt, trousers, and bed covers.本月的特价品包括衬衣、裤子和床罩。I wore a large shirt of Jamie's which came down over my hips.我穿着杰米的衬衫,衬衫很大,把我的臀部都盖住了。The neck of a shirt gets dirty easily.衬衫领口很容易弄脏。The shirt had a button-down collar.这件衬衫领尖带扣。This shirt clashes with these pants.这件衬衫和这条裤子不搭配。The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.这件衬衫最好是松松垮垮地穿在紧身裤外面,或者是塞进裤子里以显出苗条的身材。His shirt was too small for him and cut into the tender flesh at his armpit.这件衬衣对他来说太小了,紧勒着他腋部的嫩肉。




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