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词汇 shared
例句 She shared my misgivings about the planned weekend.她和我一样对这个周末计划心存疑虑。The company is in shared ownership.这家公司是由多人共同拥有的。He knew his fellow teachers in Cincinnati shared his frustrations.他知道辛辛那提的教师同行们也有同样的不满。At dinner, they shared a half carafe of agreeable wine.晚餐时他们分享了半卡拉夫瓶令人惬意的葡萄酒。I was glad to be with people who shared my way of thinking.我很高兴能和见解相同的人在一起。They're rooted in a shared ideology.他们植根于共有的意识形态。The cost should be shared equally among the three of you.你们三人应该均摊成本支出。These ideas are widely shared in the community.这些想法在社区中取得了广泛认同。We had one pizza shared out between us.我们一起分吃了一份比萨。Both women shared a compassion for victims of war.两个女人都对战争受害者有着怜悯之心。They held hands, walked along the beach, and shared intimate secrets.他们手拉着手走在沙滩上,互诉彼此的隐私。Over the years we have shared our joys and sorrows.这些年来,我们共同经历了快乐与悲伤。She and her husband have many shared interests.她和她丈夫有许多共同的兴趣。There are preoccupations shared both by her novels and philosophical works.她的小说和哲学著作中都带有各种先入为主的看法。She has shared a stage with many great actors.她曾经和许多伟大的演员同台演出过。They shared a deep concern for the environment.他们同样对环境问题深感担忧。For a brief time they had shared a room in hall.曾有很短一段时间他们合住过一间学生宿舍。Bill and I shared an office for years.比尔和我同在一个办公室里工作了多年。Their life histories shared many common features.他们的人生经历有许多共同的特征。Reagan's views were shared by a majority of the American people.大多数美国人同意里根的看法。She shared some of her innermost secrets with him.她把自己一些不为人知的秘密告诉了他。He shared a pizza with his son Laurence.他和儿子劳伦斯分吃了一张比萨饼。From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.她自世纪之交以来便同土著居民生活在一起。Friendship is based on shared interests.友谊建立在共同利益的基础上。His distress was shared by all his neighbours.他的邻居都分担他的痛苦。Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.雪莱和拜伦的友谊源于他们均蔑视假话空话和伪善行为。Real democracy develops organically around a set of shared interests.真正的民主围绕是共同利益自然发展的。She shared her suspicions with no one but her diary.她没有向任何人吐露自己的猜疑,只写在日记中。We shared a giggle at their predicament.他们的困境使我们都忍不住笑出声来。They shared the sweets out among the children.他们把糖果分发给孩子们。Stubbornness was a characteristic he shared with his mother.固执是他和他母亲共有的一个特征。Their friendship developed through their shared interest in the Arts.对艺术的共同爱好加深了他们之间的友谊。Their shared interest in photography is what got them together.对摄影的共同兴趣使他们走到了一起。They shared the care of the children.他们共同照顾孩子。The young couple shared housework.这对年轻夫妇分担家务事。She and her husband were brought together by a shared love of the natural world.对自然界共同的热爱使她和丈夫走到了一起。On the way home we shared our first class compartment with a group of businessmen.回家的路上,我们和一群生意人一起坐在一等车厢。Many people shared Duvald's view, and thought the plan should be stopped.许多人与杜瓦尔德持相同的观点,认为应该停止这个计划。She was an unselfish girl who shared everything she had with her friends.她是个无私的女孩,什么东西都和朋友分享。She never shared her inner thoughts with anyone.她从不告诉别人她内心的想法。




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