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词汇 shamed
例句 People with leprosy were shamed and driven out of their communities.那时麻疯病人受到羞辱,并被逐出社区。He was shamed into admitting his guilt.他羞愧地承认犯了罪。His success shamed all his colleagues.他的成功使他所有的同事都相形见绌。He was shamed out of his bad habits.他因感到难为情而改掉了坏习惯。The Government have been shamed into providing more money for the project.政府因感到羞愧只好为这个项目提供更多资金。His gentle reprimand shamed her sufficiently.他温和的责备令她羞愧难当。Although deeply shamed by his exposure, he bounced back.尽管被曝光后倍感羞耻,他还是重新振作了起来。She was shamed and frightened.她既羞愧又惊慌。I was shamed into making a larger donation.我觉得很羞愧,只好捐了更多的钱。My sister shamed me into giving the money back.姐姐使我感到不好意思,只好把钱还了回去。His wife shamed him into handing the money back.他的妻子使他羞愧得只好把钱交回去。Her crimes shamed her family.她的罪行使家人蒙受耻辱。He was shamed by his behavior at the party.他为自己在聚会上的行为感到羞耻。The city council was shamed into taking action after criticism in the national and local media.在遭到全国和地方媒体批评之后,市政局在羞愧之下采取了行动。Her son's affair had humiliated and shamed her.儿子的事让她感到难堪和羞愧。It shamed her to realize how long she had been involved with Claude.想到自己居然跟克劳德纠缠了那么久,她感到很羞愧。He felt shamed and humiliated by the treatment he had received.他为自己受到如此对待感到蒙受了耻辱。Their training record shamed other companies.他们的培训记录使其他公司相形见绌。An outcry from customers has shamed the company into lowering its prices.顾客的抗议使公司感到理亏而不得不降了价。Many people have been shamed into silence when it comes to discussing their sex lives.谈到性生活,许多人都羞于启齿。Museums have now been shamed out of selling the treasures from their collections.博物馆现在已经深感羞愧,不再变卖他们收藏的珍宝了。The behaviour of a few children has shamed the whole school.少数学生的行为使整个学校都蒙受耻辱。The people who did this all deserve to be publicly shamed.干这种事的人都应该受到大家的唾弃。Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。The behaviour of the fans has shamed the team.球迷的行为使这支球队深感愧疚。He was shamed by his failure to pass the final test.他因期终测验不及格而感到羞耻。The suspects were shamed into confessing.嫌疑人因感到羞愧而招供。She was going to leave the party early until I shamed her out of it.她打算提早离开聚会,直到我让她不好意思这么做。Mum thought my divorce shamed the family.妈妈认为我的离婚使整个家族蒙羞。His dishonorable behavior has shamed the family.他的可耻行为令全家蒙羞。




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