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There should be a needle and thread in the sewing kit.针线包中应该有针线。The sewing machines were invoiced me by this steamer.这些缝纫机是由这条船托运给我的。Her foot was working the pedal of the sewing machine.她用脚蹬着缝纫机的踏板。All the children were taught sewing.所有的孩子学过缝纫。All the children are taught sewing.所有的孩子都被教授缝纫。This cupboard is where she keeps all her sewing things.这个小橱是她放针线的地方。She disliked sewing intensely.她极不喜欢缝纫。We all got out our own sewing and sat in front of the log fire.我们都把自己的针线活拿出来,坐到了火堆前。The old lady did not stop sewing until midnight.老太太直到半夜才放下针线活。He got his first lessons in cold calling, following his uncle as he sold sewing machines around the island.他跟着叔叔在小岛周边销售缝纫机,获得了上门销售的最初经验。She was always good on the sewing machine. She could knock off an outfit in two hours.她总是很擅长使用缝纫机,两小时就能做好一套衣服。The shop services sewing machines and old typewriters.这家店提供缝纫机和旧打字机的维修服务。They have a sewing bee on Thursdays.她们每周四举行缝纫茶会。She sewed the dresses on the sewing machine.她用缝纫机缝好了衣服。Her mother had always done all the sewing.所有的针线活一直是她母亲包揽。Her sewing would never pass that eagle eye without stern criticism.她的缝纫活总逃不了那个目光锐利的人的严格指摘。Imogen sighed and picked up her sewing.伊莫金叹了口气,拿起她的针线活。Our sewing machine is still going strong.我家的缝纫机还是好好的。She learned sewing, knitting and embroidery.她学了缝纫、编织和刺绣。Her favorite handicraft is sewing.她最喜欢的手艺是缝纫。My aunt put aside her sewing and picked up her book.我的姨妈把针线活儿放下,拿起了书。There is a lot of detail in the sewing she is doing.她正在做的缝纫活中有许多细部活。Mothers spent their evening pressing the pedals of a sewing machine.妈妈们整晚都在踩缝纫机。I'm not very good at sewing.我不太擅长做针线活儿。My grandmother still uses her old treadle sewing machine.我奶奶仍然用着她那台老掉牙的脚踏缝纫机。I used to have one of those old sewing machines, but it was too cumbersome.我过去有一台这种旧式缝纫机,不过那东西太笨重了。They're sewing up the details of the agreement.他们正在敲定协议最后的细节。She took in sewing to supplement her income.她接针线活以贴补收入。It's time you got rid of this apology for a sewing machine and bought one that works.你是时候把这台不像样的缝纫机处理掉,再买一台好用的了。She left her sewing in the living room.她把她的针线活儿放在客厅里了。Her sewing machine's really old - it was her mother's.她的缝纫机年代确实很久了,那是她母亲的。I don't know what she did, but she managed to break the sewing machine.我不懂她是怎么弄的,她竟然把缝纫机弄坏了。She has been sewing all evening.她整个晚上一直在做针线活。Learn how to recognize which sewing machine foot will get the job done.学会识别哪种缝纫机压脚能干这种活。I mended the sheets by sewing on square patches.我缝了些方补丁把床单补好了。I haven't done any sewing for a long time.我已经很久没做针线活了。This sewing machine is driven by an electric motor.这台缝纫机是靠电动机启动的。She enjoys sewing.她喜欢做针线活。She took a little plain sewing in.她承接一些简单的针线活在家做。The girl had grown more skilful with the sewing-machine.那女孩已能更熟练地使用缝纫机了。 |