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词汇 settling
例句 Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal.几只蛾子在它前面飞,最终落在了那块粗糙的喷漆金属上。He was well travelled, spending at least a decade in the United States and in Europe, before settling in Dublin.他去过很多地方,在都柏林定居之前,他在美国和欧洲住过至少十年。His artful settling of the dispute won everybody's approval.他对争执的巧妙解决赢得了大家的赞许。The nurse will be with you soon - she's settling a new patient in at the moment.护士马上就会到你这里来——她现在正在安顿一位新来的病人。They were settling to their work, rubbing down the woodwork with sandpaper.他们开始工作,用砂纸把木制品打磨平滑。He floated through life without ever settling down.他一生随波逐流,从未安定下来。The chances of settling this dispute through talks seem increasingly slender.通过对话解决这场争端的机会似乎越来越小。A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out.已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的方案。U.K. employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包含解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。James left the restaurant, settling his account by credit card.詹姆斯用信用卡结账后离开了餐厅。I'm glad to finally be settling in at my new job.终于开始适应我的新工作了,我很开心。UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。Things are settling into shape.事态正稳定下来且渐有眉目。Hopes of settling the conflict peacefully are fading.和平解决争端的希望逐渐破灭。Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.警方认为,杀人犯是一团伙成员,当时正和敌对团伙算旧账。Neither side show any intention of settling at this stage.在这一阶段,任何一方都没有表现出调停的意向。They are making progress towards settling the dispute.他们正在逐步解决争端。The children are settling into their new school just fine.孩子们能适应他们的新学校了。This is the best method of settling such arguments.这是平息这类争论的最好方法。We bought the cottage with a view to settling down there after retirement.我们买下这幢乡间小屋是为了退休后到那里居住。The children are settling in nicely at school.这些孩子在学校里愉快地安顿下来。The snow signaled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in.下雪预示着冷热空气的交锋,而一个高气压区似乎也将到来并可能持续。How are you settling into your new home?你对新家适应得怎样了?Both sides are going to have to work together to find other ways of settling their differences.双方必须共同努力,找出其他办法来解决分歧。Negotiation is always the best way of settling a dispute.谈判总是解决争端的最佳方法。It's been hard settling in, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere at last.适应的过程非常艰难,但我觉得最终还是有所进步。Refugees settling in Britain suffer from a number of problems.在英国定居的难民面临很多问题。The umpire laid down the conditions for settling the dispute.仲裁者阐明了解决争端的条件。Ginger and peppermint tea are good for settling the/your stomach.姜和薄荷茶都有利于消除胃部不适。The snow signalled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in.这场雪标志着冷锋的到来,一个高压区似乎即将形成。




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