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词汇 settle in
例句 I am very settled in my job and I don't want to leave.我很适应自己的工作,不想离开。Her children settled in faraway places.她的孩子都在遥远的地方定居下来。The wind has settled in the east.吹的已是稳定的东风。This dispute had best be settled in an arbitral tribunal.这件纠纷最好是在仲裁法庭中解决。His grandparents were immigrants from Germany who settled in Pennsylvania.他的祖父母是定居在美国宾夕法尼亚州的德裔移民。Both of us have to settle in our new married life.我们两人都需要适应一下新婚生活。The question could not be settled in abstracto.用抽象的观点解决不了这个问题。Her parents hoped to see her settled in a profession.她的父母希望她能专事一种职业。The drain will plug up if you let grease settle in it.如果你让油脂积存,排水管就会堵塞。After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India.纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。She seems fairly settled in her new job already.她似乎对新工作已经相当习惯了。He finally settled in Paris.他最后定居在巴黎。Then Cain went out from the Lord's presence and settled in the land of Nod to the east of eden.该隐就离开了天主到伊甸园东边叫挪得的地方住下来。She seems to have settled in quickly at her new company.她看来已经很快适应了她的新公司。They prepared to settle in for the night.他们准备安顿下来过夜。Fog settles in the valley.雾气笼罩着山谷。Many Scots settled in New Zealand.许多苏格兰人移居于新西兰。It settled in to snow soon after daybreak.黎明后不久,雪开始下个不停。They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.他们在龙科住了下来,那是靠近意大利边境的一个风景如画的小村子。Once we've settled in, we'll have you over for dinner.一旦我们安顿下来,一定要请你过来吃饭。We lived in Thailand, then Singapore, and finally settled in Hong Kong.我们在泰国住过,后来在新加坡也住过,最后在香港定居下来。The dispute was settled in a way that was acceptable to both sides.争端以双方都能接受的方式解决了。A feeling of nausea settled in her stomach.她感到胃里一阵翻江倒海。He settled in Paris, where he scraped a living writing short stories and magazine articles.他定居巴黎,以写短篇小说和杂志文章勉强度日。The immigrants who came to settle in America were determined people with high aspirations.来美国定居的移民是志向远大、意志坚定的人。He came down from Shanghai last year and settled in the village.他去年从上海来到农村定居。He took a long time to settle in to big-time football.他花了很长时间才在顶级足球联赛站稳脚跟。The family has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。The toads have settled in and accepted the pond as a good spawning ground.蟾蜍已经在这个池塘里住下来了,把这里当成了理想的产卵地。It settled in to rain and lasted all morning.大雨下个不停,而且下了整整一个上午。We move house on Friday, but we'll take another week to settle in.我们定于星期五搬家,可是要再过一星期才能安顿下来。He settled in the North, but most of his kinfolk remained in the South.他在北方定居,但他的多数亲属仍留在南方。How long did it take you to settle in your new home?你在新居安顿下来花了多长时间?I haven't yet settled in in my new job; I still find it all rather strange.我还没有习惯于我的新工作,我觉得一切都还很陌生。He always thought he'd leave the city and settle in the country.他总是觉得他会离开城市,去乡下定居。We normally give new employees a little while to settle in before we overload them with responsibilities.我们一般给新员工一点时间适应,然后才塞给他们超负荷的职责。I enjoyed King Edward's School enormously once I'd settled in.适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。The family settled in a small Nevada town where they opened a store.那家人在内华达州的一个小镇上住了下来,在那里开了一家小店。All claims must be settled in a professional and timely manner.所有的索赔必须以专业的方式及时予以解决。I still don't feel settled in my job.我对自己的工作还没有一种安定下来的感觉。




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