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词汇 set fire to
例句 I believe the house was deliberately set fire to.我认为有人蓄意放火烧这幢房子。The first time his parents left him alone in the house, he set fire to the kitchen.父母第一次把他单独留在家里的时候,他放火把厨房烧起来了。They set fire to vehicles outside that building.他们纵火焚烧了停在那幢大楼外的车辆。The mob set fire to cars and buildings.暴民放火烧汽车和建筑物。Vandals set fire to an empty warehouse near the docks last night.昨夜破坏公物者放火将码头附近的一个空仓库烧毁了。She set fire to her house and then claimed insurance.她纵火烧了自己的房子,然后索要保险赔偿。A group of youths had set fire to an old truck.一群青年放火烧了一辆旧卡车。The sparks set fire to the oily rags.火花使浸了油的破布烧了起来。Vandals broke into the factory and set fire to a cabin.破坏分子闯入工厂将小木屋付之一炬。Someone had set fire to her car.有人放火烧了她的汽车。Protestors set fire to two buses.抗议者放火焚烧了两辆公共汽车。They wantonly set fire to the cabin.他们肆无忌惮地放火烧毁了小木屋。One prisoner set fire to rags and hurled them into the courtyard.一个犯人点燃破布扔进了院子。Someone set fire to the shack. 有人纵火烧了那间棚屋。Teresa wondered if the burning log might set fire to the curtains.特蕾莎不知道那块燃烧的木头是否会使窗帘着火。They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.他们点燃火把,放火烧了小教堂的茅草屋顶。The protesters set fire to several vehicles.抗议者纵火焚烧了几辆车。The flare overshot its target and set fire to a hotel.照明弹越过目标,把一家旅馆烧着了。Protestors overturned cars and set fire to them.抗议者推翻了汽车并点火烧车。The scoundrel who set fire to the barn have been caught.放火烧谷仓的坏蛋已被抓住。




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