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词汇 service
例句 The building saw service as a workshop.这座建筑曾做过车间。 As the funeral service began, Frances broke down and cried.葬礼开始时,弗朗西丝忍不住哭了起来。The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务。The pastor selected a reading for tonight's service.牧师选了《圣经》的一节在今晚的仪式上诵读。When you contact a government office, you should receive efficient service and be treated with courtesy.与政府部门打交道,应当享受到高效服务和礼遇。Many people think that complaining about bad service is a waste of time.许多人都觉得抱怨服务不佳纯属浪费时间。We knew the shop would never survive if we didn't provide a good service from the minute we opened the doors.我们知道,我们如果不是一开门就提供良好的服务,商店就无法生存下去。An in-house study has lent credence to the complaints of poor and impersonal service.一次在机构内部进行的调查证明大家抱怨服务糟糕、缺乏人情味是有根据的。He demands nothing less than the best service. 他要求最好的服务。It would be difficult to match the service this airline gives its customers.很难赶上这家航空公司的乘客服务水平。The republic's legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.共和国的法律允许年轻人服某种形式的替代役。Reporters began investigating his record of military service. 记者们开始调查他的服兵役记录。We didn't like the restaurant much - the food was indifferent and the service rather slow.我们不怎么喜欢这家餐馆——饭菜一般,上菜也相当慢。The service is tailored to meet your needs.此项服务应您的需求量身定制。The food was lousy and the service was terrible.食物糟糕透了,服务质量差得简直吓人。The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.政府部门的工作成了受过良好教育的中产阶级人士的专属工作。They merely pay lip service to the idea of involving staff.他们仅仅是口头上承认这个涉及全体职员的想法。This privately-owned airways is allowed to operate a new civil airline service.这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。Which bank offers you the service that best suits your financial needs?.哪家银行提供的服务最适合您的理财需求?The launch of our digital satellite service is one of the most exciting things I've worked on.推出数字卫星服务是我所参与过的最让人兴奋的事情之一。When Mona retired, all her co-workers chipped in and bought her a lovely dinner service.莫娜退休的时候,她所有的同事都凑钱给她买了一套精美的餐具。Bucket brigades constitute a primitive fire service.为应急而组织起来的一队人构成了最初的消防队。This service is available at a nominal charge.这项服务只象征性地收费。In all his years of public service, he has only been offered a bribe once.他担任公职这么多年,只有过一次别人向他提供贿赂。Her brother was drafted into military service.她哥哥应征入伍。The change will be made with minimal disruption of service.在对服务最低程度干扰的基础上,将实施变动。The funds available for the health service are finite and we cannot afford to waste money.用于公共医疗卫生事业的资金是有限的,我们浪费不起。The service is chronically underfunded.这个服务机构长期资金不足。We're sorry you weren't happy with our service.你对我们的服务不满意,我们感到抱歉。He was given the peerage after years of devoted service to the community.因为多年为社区全心全意的服务,他被授予贵族爵位。Military service entails frequent changes of domicile.服兵役需要频繁更换住处。The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.这架飞机已经超期服役很长时间了。The bus service in many rural areas has been withdrawn.许多农村地区的公交服务已经取消了。The hotel offers top-notch service.这家酒店提供最优质服务。A new information service will soon be available to library users.不久将为图书馆使用者提供一种新的信息服务。The aim is to embed in the civil service the best modern management practices.目标是把最好的现代管理方法纳入行政体系。The operator told the caller that their telephone seemed to be out of service.话务员对打电话的人说对方的电话似乎已不能使用了。The country railways provided a vital social service.乡村铁路提供了重要的社会服务。The food was good but the service was terribly slow.这里的饭菜不错,但服务太不及时。For years we have argued that the health service is underfunded.多年来我们一直都在说卫生医疗方面资金投入不足。




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