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词汇 serenity
例句 She smiles often and emanates serenity.她时常微笑,散发出安详宁静的气息。She was able to face death with serenity.她能够平静地面对死亡。He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity.他总是非常沉著;没有什么东西能打乱他的平静。It was their serenity which galled her most.他们的平静让她最为恼火。The serenity was rent with war whoops.战斗的呐喊打破了四下的宁静。Her face, though sad, still evoked a feeling of serenity.她虽然面带悲伤,但仍使人感觉安详。My Japanese garden is a haven of peace and serenity.我的日式花园是幽静安谧的世外桃源。He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance.在他看来,她的平静反衬出了他的放纵。He had a cattish secrecy and serenity.他像猫一样鬼鬼祟祟,不动声色。




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