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词汇 separate
例句 We each have a separate bedroom but share a communal kitchen.我们各有一间独立的卧室,但共享一个厨房。The separate volumes may be had singly.各卷可以分册购买。There's a separate category for children.儿童单独有一个类别。He resigned three years later, because he did not concur with the division of the country into separate republics.三年以后他辞去职务,因为他不同意将国家分裂成一些独立的共和国。The schools were adjacent but there were separate doors.两所学校紧挨在一起,但各自有独立的门。So all the colours that make up white light are sent in different directions and they separate.这样构成白色光的所有颜色被投射到不同方向,从而分离开来。It is difficult to separate legend from truth.很难将传说和事实区别开来。Humans and other apes followed separate lines of descent from a common ancestor.人类和其他猿类从一个共同的祖先进化而来,但属于不同的世系。The Palace has announced that the Duke and Duchess are to separate.王室宣布公爵和公爵夫人即将分居。Two separate studies have raised doubts about the car's safety.两项独立的研究对这辆车的安全性提出了质疑。They want to separate teaching from research.他们想把教学和研究分开。Sales, aftersales, marketing and public relations will remain separate.销售人员、售后人员、营销人员和公关人员仍会彼此独立。The manuscript is being sent to you under separate cover.手稿已另函寄给您。Their personalities and political beliefs separate them.他们因个性和政治信仰而不同。The husbands and wives were placed in separate groups.夫妻双方被分在不同的小组。Hair conditioner helps your curls to separate.护发素可以让你的鬈发一绺一绺地自然分开。Designer wedding dresses make wedding fashion a separate category from mainstream fashion.品牌婚纱使婚礼时装脱离主流时装,成为单独的一类。My stereo has separate controls for the treble and the bass.我的音响有独立的高音和低音控制器。Every week, she puts/deposits a part of her paycheck into a separate account.她每周把部分薪水存入一个单独账户。The car hire business is operated as a separate company.汽车出租公司是作为独立的公司经营的。Answer each question on a separate sheet of paper.将每道题都答在不同的答题纸上。It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture.将庄稼和放牧区分开绝对必要。We use the same Internet service provider but have separate accounts.我们使用相同的互联网服务提供商,但有各自的账户。After a couple of years together, we realized we weren't really happy and decided to go our separate ways.在一起两年后,我们意识到彼此不适合对方,决定各走各的路。We both walked off in separate directions.我们俩朝不同方向走开了。Try breaking the problem down into its separate components.试着把这个问题分解成独立的几个部分。Our lives subsequently followed separate paths.后来我们各自走上了不同的生活轨道。Each car receives two separate coats of rustproofing.每辆汽车上都涂有两层抗锈材料。The art department and the music department are in two separate buildings.艺术系和音乐系在两座不同的大楼中。They are trying to keep their personal/private lives separate from their public lives.他们在努力把他们的个人/私人生活和他们的公众生活区分开来。After weeks of fruitless argument they finally agreed to go their separate ways.经过几周毫无结果的争论之后,他们最后决定各走各的路。We need to separate fact and/from fiction.我们要把事实与虚构区别开来。There should be no contact between the separate samples.分开的试样之间不应该有任何接触。We may as well exchange good-by and go separate ways.我们还是互道再见,分道扬镳吧。The children have separate rooms.孩子们有单独的房间。Two factors separate out the German bourgeoisie from its counterparts in other countries.两个因素使德国资产阶级不同于其他国家的资产阶级。Quebec feels separate from the rest of Canada.魁北克给人的感觉有别于加拿大其他地区。Flutes form a separate category of wind instruments.长笛是管乐器中独立的一个类别。The army was called in to help separate the warring factions.军队被调来帮助把交战的派系分隔开。Friends say I should call her bluff and agree to separate.朋友们说我应该就按她所威胁的那样,同意分居。




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