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词汇 sensitivity
例句 She has shown a great sensitivity to the needs of her students.她已十分体恤学生的需要。With students she had a sure touch and showed great personal sensitivity.对待学生她既自信又体贴。I should have warned you about her sensitivity to criticism.我早该警告你,她对别人的批评十分敏感。There is deep sensitivity over the treatment of minority groups.如何对待少数族群这个话题十分敏感。Dickens was lauded for his social and moral sensitivity.狄更斯以其敏锐的社会和道德触觉为人称道。He was known for his sensitivity about his appearance.他对自己的外表很敏感是出了名的。The church has been restored with great sensitivity.非常小心谨慎地对教堂进行了重建。The course teaches sensitivity to body language.这门课程培养对肢体语言的体察。Due to the obvious sensitivity of the issue he would not divulge any details.由于该问题明显非常敏感,他不会透露任何细节。This is an issue of great sensitivity.这是个十分敏感的问题。Many doctors lack sensitivity when dealing with their patients.很多医生在给病人治疗时对他们缺乏体谅。The new refinements have improved the sensitivity of the motion detector.这些新的改进提高了运动检测器的灵敏度。Such is the sensitivity of the information that only two people are allowed to know it.这份情报极为敏感,所以只允许两个人知道。The police showed commendable sensitivity in their handling of the case.警方在处理该案时表现出高度敏锐性,值得赞扬。She is not known for her sensitivity in dealing with complaints.她并不擅长处理投诉。Interviewing victims of crime must be done with sensitivity.和罪案受害人面谈一定要顾及他们的感受。Her singing is characterized by a rich emotional sensitivity.她的演唱有很丰富的情感表现力。He is a highly gifted young singer, who combines a beautiful voice with unusual musical sensitivity.他是一位天赋很高的年轻歌手,既有优美的歌喉,对于音乐又有非常敏锐的感觉。The sensitivity of the detector can be increased.这种探测器的灵敏度还可以提高。I would have appreciated a little more sensitivity from you.你要是能多一点点体恤,我会很感激。Dealing with children who are so damaged calls for immense tact and sensitivity.和受到这么大伤害的儿童打交道需要非常讲究方法,也需要非常细心周到。He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.他似乎正小心地应对可能一触即发的局势。He is a man of great wit, sensitivity, and passion.他是一个十分风趣、敏感而又充满激情的人。Her decision shows a lack of sensitivity.她的决定表明她没体恤他人的感受。He displays a remarkable sensitivity to the subtle nuances of language.他对语言的细微差别表现出非比寻常的感知。He handled the situation with great sensitivity.他十分体恤地处理这种情况。Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.刘易斯作为一位悟性很高的优秀作曲家崭露头角。Don't be fooled by his kindness and sensitivity - it's just a front.别被他的善意和体贴所愚弄——那只不过是装相而已。His comments show a lack of sensitivity.他的话有欠考虑。Fundamentally, women like him for his sensitivity and charming vulnerability.基本说来,女人喜欢他是因为他细腻的情感和迷人的文弱气质。Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.迁徙中的鸟对气流极为敏感。We're very aware of the sensitivity of the issue.我们充分意识到了这个问题的敏感性。This is a matter of great sensitivity.这件事极为敏感。The producers were aware of the sensitivity of the subject.制片人很清楚这个话题十分敏感。A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings.一段美满的恋情需要彼此关心并体恤对方的情感。It's a matter of great political sensitivity.这是个政治敏感性很强的事情。Collective living depends on a degree of sensitivity to what is happening around us.集体生活取决于我们对周围所发生事情的敏感程度。He directs with flair and sensitivity.他的导演风格富有魅力和敏感性。Delivering bad news requires sensitivity on the doctor's part.医生告诉坏消息时要委婉、有分寸。I was surprised by her extreme sensitivity about even the smallest suggestions that we made.她甚至对我们提出的最无足轻重的小建议也极其抵触,这让我很吃惊。




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