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词汇 senior
例句 A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权。He managed to progress to a senior position.他设法得到提升。He's a senior executive at Volkswagen.他是大众汽车公司的高级行政人员。The bombs and rockets that began to fall on Afghanistan last week had a bracing effect on Bush and his senior officials.上周开始轰炸阿富汗的炸弹和火箭让布什及其高级官员们精神为之一振。Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.通常由资深编辑们来决定编务事宜。The visitors were conducted around the factory by senior managers.来宾在高级经理的带领下参观了工厂。It is the senior coach who has the right of veto and must carry the can.有否决权的是高级教练,因此他必须承担责任。He led a military mutiny against the senior generals.他发动了一场反对高级将领的兵变。A senior UN official hopes to visit Baghdad this month.一位联合国高级官员希望于本月访问巴格达。He didn't have the mental agility or vision required for a senior politician.他缺乏一位资深政治家所应具备的敏锐头脑和眼光。The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government.核心人物是保守党政府内一个貌似仁和的高层人物。The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status.高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。As senior supervisor, she is in charge of training new employees.作为高级主管,她负责培训新来的员工。He is too senior to begin to try for Cabinet office.他年事已高,不宜去谋求内阁部长的职位了。He was reprimanded for going over the heads of senior officers.由于未请示上级长官,他受到了责备。Although he only joined the firm last year, he's senior to me already.尽管他去年刚进公司,但职位已经比我高了。A number of senior people were regarded as likely to occupy the now vacant post.几位资深人士被认为有望填补现在空缺的职位。The rally was organized at the instance of two senior cabinet ministers.集会是在两位资深内阁大臣的敦促下组织的。Criticism has been levelled at senior figures in the industry.该行业的高层人物受到了公开谴责。She wasn't senior enough to take such a decision.她的资历还太浅,不能作这类决定。Two senior officers were assigned to the investigation.两名高级军官被指派负责这项调查。She interviewed a senior official from the previous administration.她采访了前政府的一位高官。Helen was promoted to senior manager.海伦被提升为高级经理。You can initiate policies until the cows come home, but unless they're monitored at a senior level, you won't get results.你可以花很长时间来制定政策,但除非高层对之进行监管,否则不会有效果。A role as senior diplomat would be a good alibi for his absence.高级外交官的角色将是他缺席的上佳托词。All senior officers involved in the coup will have to be removed.所有参与政变的高级官员都将被免职。He became familiar with the corridors of power while working as a senior civil servant.在担任高级公务员期间,他熟悉了权力走廊。Many senior politicians have lent their voices to the campaign.许多资深从政者发言声援这场运动。Phil is clearly unfit to hold a senior position.菲尔显然不能胜任高级职务。The inquiry will be supervised by a senior judge.此次调查将由一名资深法官进行监督。Few senior figures have issued any public statements, but privately the resignation's been welcomed.几乎没有高管发表公开声明,但私下里辞职是可以接受的。The men said they had no problems taking orders from women senior to them in rank.那些男性称,听从比他们级别高的女性没有问题。A senior official was sent from London to investigate the claims.从伦敦派出了一名高级官员去调查索赔要求。Alan's senior colleagues decided to let him carry the can.艾伦的那些高职位同事决定让他背黑锅。The heroine is a senior TV executive.女主人公是一个资深电视主管。A senior embassy official is coordinating efforts to free the captives.大使馆的一位高级官员正在协调各方为释放俘虏所作的努力。The heroine is a senior TV executive.女主角是一名电视台的高级主管。A senior White House official said the agreement is close.一位白宫高级官员说,协议已近乎达成。She is five years senior to me. = She is senior to me by five years. 她比我大五岁。Few senior figures have issued any public statements but privately the resignation's been welcomed.几乎没有高层人员发表任何公开声明,但私下里大家都为这次辞职窃喜。




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