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词汇 Send
例句 Send it to the laundry. Don't dry clean it.把它送到洗衣店。不要干洗。Send for your free catalogue today.今天寄信索要你们的免费目录。Send me an e-mail when you have any news.你一有消息就发电子邮件给我。Come on, Bill. Send Tom a card and make his day.来,比尔。给汤姆寄张贺卡让他高兴高兴。Send them a copy of your CV.给他们寄一份你的简历。Send an s.a.e. for a free information pack.寄上一个回邮信封索取免费资料包。Send a resume and examples of your work.请寄一份履历及你所做的样品。Send a copy of your driving licence.请寄来一份你的驾照复印件。Send your answers on the back of a postcard.将答案写在明信片背面寄出。Send it by registered mail.将其用挂号信寄出。Send the completed tear-off slip.将填好的可撕纸条寄出。Send me any data you can find.把你能找到的所有资料送来给我。Send the form, together with the appropriate fee, to this address.将表格连同应交的费用寄到这个地址。Send away for a free recipe booklet.写信索取免费的烹饪小册子。Send submissions via email to the editor.请将稿件通过电子邮件发送给编辑。Send for the doctor, please.请派人去请医生来。Send her my good/best wishes.向她转达我最美好的祝福。Send in your entry as soon as possible!请尽快递交参赛作品!Send in a picture of your good self.发送一张您本人的照片。Send it express.用快递把它寄出。Send for our free information pack for more details.欲知详情,请来函索取我们免费的信息包。Send these sheets to be laundered.把这些床单送去洗熨。Send in your poems and we'll publish the best of the bunch.把你的诗歌寄过来,我们将择优出版。Send in this coupon for more information.如需了解更多信息,请将本咨询单寄回。Send me the letter care of my uncle.把给我的信寄给我叔叔转交。Send your completed form to the following address.请把填写好的表格寄到下列地址。Send your details on a card to the following address.在明信片上写明你的近况寄到下面的地址。Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.把你的履历和附函寄到下面的地址。Send us a demo with one or two of your best songs.把你最好的一两首歌的小样寄给我们。Send the report to what's-her-name in Accounting.把这份报告发给会计部的那个叫什么来着。Send and receive documents at the click of a button.点击按钮就可以发送和接收文件。Send it to Pedro care of me, if you like.如果愿意,你可以寄给我,再由我转交佩德罗。Send out powerful signals and look carefully at the echoes when they come back.发出强大的信号,然后注意观察它们反射的回波。Send these orders down to our branch office.把这些订货单发送到我们的分店。Send the coupon with your deposit to House Beautiful Weekend, FAO Heidi Ross.将订单和订金一同寄往《美宅周末》,海迪·罗斯收。Send all letters recorded delivery if you want to be certain they will arrive.倘使你要确保信件递到无误,用记录式邮递寄发好了。Send for your free information pack now.现在就赶快来信索取免费信息包吧。Send my best wishes to everyone in the family.向全家人致以最美好的祝愿。Send for our illustrated brochure.向我们函索附有插图的小册子。Send scouts ahead and find us a place to cross.派些侦察员到前面,给咱们找一个可以通过的地方。




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