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词汇 selling off
例句 They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap.他们总是以非常便宜的价格把类似那样的东西处理掉。They accused the government of selling off the family silver to pay for their policies.他们指责政府为推行自己的政策把老祖宗留下的东西都变卖了。The company announced that it would be selling off its hotel business.公司宣布将出售其宾馆业务。They're selling off last year's stock at half price.他们正以半价抛售去年的存货。They are selling off summer shoes at cost price.他们正以成本价甩卖夏季鞋。As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.他火气越来越大,公开对出售国有资产的一些激进观点表示强烈反对。Margaret Thatcher tried to encourage private enterprise by selling off Britain's nationalized industries.玛格丽特·撒切尔试图通过出售英国的国有化企业来鼓励私人企业。Amongst other pop ephemera, the auction will be selling off rock stars' stage clothes.拍卖会拍卖的流行乐坛的短时效物品中将包括摇滚歌星们的演出服装。By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price.到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。She was selling off stock at half-price.她正在半价抛售股票。Our parents started selling off the family farm piecemeal several years ago, and now there are only five acres left.我父母几年前就开始零散地出售家里的农场,如今只剩下五英亩了。They're selling off damaged goods at reduced prices.他们正在削价处理受损商品。Over the next three years, we will be gradually dismantling the company and selling off the profitable units.在未来的三年内,我们将逐步解散公司并出售盈利部门。The State raised $130 million by selling off surplus land.该州靠出售剩余的土地筹集了一亿三千万美元。The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务。




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