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词汇 self-consciously
例句 The world which the book inhabits seems too self-consciously literary, too introverted.该书所描绘的世界似乎过分刻意地追求文学性,过于内敛含蓄。The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.男孩子们拍这张照片时姿势很不自然。I glanced down at my dress jacket a little self-consciously.我不好意思地低头扫了一眼自己的连衣裙外套。The place is as self-consciously trendy as they come.这个地方非常有意识地追求时髦。He got up rather self-consciously and walked towards the stage.他忸怩地站起身朝舞台走去。She was fiddling self-consciously with her wedding ring.她局促不安地摸着婚戒。His writing is self-consciously poetic.他的作品富有诗意,但颇不自然。Klessmann ate self-consciously, pecking at the food, a crumb at a time.克勒斯曼拘谨地小口吃着,每次只吃一点点。He self-consciously smoothed his hair.他特意把头发弄顺滑了。




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