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词汇 seconds
例句 It takes a few seconds to load the program.装入程序要花几秒钟。A police car was on their tail within seconds of the alarm going off.警报响后几秒钟,一辆警车就跟上他们了。We arrived at the station with only a few seconds to spare before the train left.我们到达火车站时,离开车时间只剩下几秒钟了。A sidereal day is shorter than a mean solar day by 3 minutes and 56 seconds.恒星日比平均太阳日短三分五十六秒。There was a terrible smell, and the room emptied in seconds.房间里有一种难闻的味道,几秒钟内人就都走空了。Valuable seconds were wasted while Schumacher's car was stuck in the pits.舒马赫的车陷在了坑里,宝贵的时间一秒一秒地被浪费掉了。For those few seconds when they are taking aim, the soldiers are exposed to enemy fire.士兵们在瞄准目标的那几秒钟里暴露在敌人的炮火之下。She's cut two seconds off her previous best time.她比自己以前的最好成绩还少了两秒。In the last few seconds, she broke/drew/pulled away from the pack and won the race.最后几秒钟,她从集团中脱颖而出,赢得了比赛。In the last few seconds, Gunnell came from nowhere to win another gold medal.在最后几秒钟里,冈内尔不知从哪儿冒出来,又赢得了一枚金牌。He left the party seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.他离开聚会后不一会儿,就有人发现烟雾顺着楼梯冒上来了。Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax.保持这种姿势几秒钟,然后放松。There's seconds if you want them.如果你要的话还有添菜。Early firearms took many seconds to charge.早期的枪支装弹要花费好几秒钟。She paused for a few seconds before crossing the street.她过马路前停了几秒钟。He remained bent over for several seconds before slowly straightening up.他弯腰几秒钟,然后慢慢直起身来。There was one worrying moment where one of the actors seemed to dry up for a few seconds.有个演员好像突然忘了台词,停了几秒钟。那时大家一阵紧张。Photographers were on the scene in seconds.摄影师转瞬间就到了现场。Barnes scored the winning goal in the closing seconds of the game.巴恩斯在终场前的最后几秒内攻进致胜一球。She left the engine idling for a few seconds before she turned it off.她让发动机空转了一会儿才熄火。She broke the tie with a goal in the final seconds of the match.在比赛最后几秒钟她的进球打破了平局。Meteors usually blaze for only a few seconds.流星往往只闪亮几秒钟。The plane seemed to catch fire a few seconds prior to taking off.飞机好像起飞前几秒就着火了。Capable of killing a man within seconds, these dogs, once on the kill, disregarded commands to stop.这些狗能在几秒钟内把人咬死,所以一旦想咬就不会听从停止的命令。In seconds the blood had soaked through.几秒钟内血就浸透了。Deportivo clinched the title with a goal in the final seconds of the last game of the season.拉科鲁尼亚队在本赛季最后一场比赛中最后时刻进球锁定冠军。In the last few seconds he got in a beauty on the champion's nose.在最后几秒钟里,他使出漂亮的绝招,一拳打中冠军的鼻子。Stir the soup for a few seconds.将汤搅和几秒钟。Fry for twenty-five seconds each side in a very hot skillet.在高温煎锅内每一边煎二十五秒钟。Stir the soup for a few seconds.把汤搅拌几秒钟。For several seemingly interminable seconds no one spoke.有好几秒钟没有一个人讲话,这几秒似乎无限漫长。She was ahead by two seconds at the wire.她以两秒的优势冲过终点线。With seconds left on the clock, she scored the winner.在比赛的最后几秒钟她打进了制胜一球。After the commercial, there were a few seconds of dead air before the show continued.广告之后,在节目继续播放之前有几秒的停播时间。She managed to beat the old record by several seconds.她以几秒的优势成功打破纪录。She lay still for a few seconds, trying to orient herself.她静静地躺了几秒钟,试图弄清自己身在何处。There was a delay of several seconds.有几秒钟的延迟。He trapped Conn in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.他将康恩逼进一个角落,暴打了他半分钟。The helicopter hovered over the crowd for a few seconds before inching away.直升机在人群的头顶上悬停了几秒钟后慢慢飞走了。The game was lost in the final seconds.在最后时刻输掉了比赛。




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