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词汇 scroll
例句 He carefully unrolled the ancient scroll.他小心翼翼地把古卷轴展开。You have to scroll the screen to see the bottom of the Web page.你得滚动屏幕才能看到这个页面的底部。She piped a reverse scroll of chocolate ganache around the base of the cake.她沿着蛋糕基部裱了一圈反向卷形巧克力奶油花边。He pointed to a parchment scroll on the desk.他指着桌子上的一个羊皮纸卷轴。Use the up and down arrows to scroll the list.使用上下箭头键来滚动清单。I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.我用封蜡将卷轴封好,并系上一根红丝带。He read from the scroll.他读取卷轴中的内容。She began to scroll down the page looking for the address.她开始向下滚动页面,寻找地址。The carver roughed out the supporters and mantling before touching the scroll.雕刻师在动手刻出涡卷形装饰之前先雕刻出纹章中持盾牌的人形和盾环垂饰的大致模样。Use the scroll bar to move up and down the page.用滚动条来上翻或下翻页面。Move around with horizontal and vertical scroll bars.以横竖两种滚动条来回移动。All the relevant titles under the subject you want will scroll up.该主题下你需要的所有相关篇目都会上滚出来。Scroll through the document using the scroll bar.用滑动条滚动文件。




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