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词汇 scratch
例句 The farmer somehow managed to scratch a living from the arid land.农夫想方设法在这贫瘠的土地上勉强糊口。The cat will scratch you if you keep pulling its tail.要是你一直拉猫尾巴,它会挠你的。Nothing like this had ever been done before, so we had to start from scratch. 从没有这方面的先例,我们不得不从头开始。We're a scratch team that's been thrown together.我们是一支临时拼凑的队伍。The piano player was not feeling well and his performance wasn't up to scratch.这位钢琴演奏者身体不舒服,他的演奏没达到平日的水准。We heard a scratch at the door.我们听见轻微的挠门声。They survived the accident with nary a scratch. 他们在此次事故中毫发无损。Miraculously, both drivers walked away without a scratch.两名司机都奇迹般地死里逃生,毫发未损。Fortunately I walked away from the accident without a scratch.幸运的是我在事故中竟然安然无恙。Whole networks were created on the `you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' principle.完整的系统是建立在互帮互助原则基础之上的。Dr Sinclair tells me it's only a scratch.辛克莱医生告诉我说只是一点小划伤。I used a frozen pie crust rather than making one from scratch.我用了一块现成的冷冻馅饼酥皮,而没有亲自动手做。They wanted to scratch each other's eyeballs out.他们想你死我活地打一架。The scratch didn't affect the car's overall appearance.这道划痕不影响汽车的总体外观。I'll manage to scratch some money up somehow.我总要想法凑起一点钱来。The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。Lottery cards have silver panels which you scratch off to see if you have won a prize.彩票上有银色方格,刮去后可看到是否中奖。There's a scratch on one side of the record.唱片的一面有划痕。He guided a scratch team through to the FA Cup Final.他带领一支临时拼凑的球队打进了足总杯决赛。Polyurethane varnish provides a tough, scratch-resistant finish.聚胺酯罩光漆可以形成一层坚硬防划的表面。She's not up to scratch.她未达到标准。Trying to scratch out a pleasant simple tune without breaking his neck isn't easy.他只有拼尽全力才能勉勉强强作成一首简单优美的曲子。A sniper's bullet went through the sleeve of his coat. It was a close shave but didn't even scratch him.狙击手的一颗子弹打穿了他外套的袖子,虽然险得很,可他连皮也没擦破。Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.战后香港的制造业并非是从零起步。Much of the damaged vehicle had to be rebuilt from scratch.这辆车被毁损之处大部分要重新装配。It is natural for cats to scratch.猫抓挠东西很正常。I had several mosquito bites, and it was difficult not to scratch them.我被蚊子咬了几口,很难不抓痒。Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings.鸡鸭在小棚子四周扒来扒去。The amount of aid that has been offered is hardly going to scratch the surface of the problem.所提供的救援物资很少,对于解决问题只是杯水车薪。He's a real go-getter. He built up his business from scratch.他是一个进取又勤奋的人,他是白手起家的。His work is scarcely up to scratch.他的工作不太合格。Don't worry. It's just a scratch.别担心,这只是个抓痕。We will have to start the project from scratch.这项工程我们得从零开始。His work isn't up to scratch.他的工作未达到标准。There was a big scratch on the car door.汽车车门上有一条很长的划痕。There were scratch marks all over the victim's body.被害人身上满是抓痕。We had to scratch our plans when I lost my job.我失业了,我们不得不取消计划。Be careful not to scratch the table with those scissors.当心点别让剪刀划破桌面。I heard the scratch of a match lighting a cigarette.我听到划火柴点香烟的声音。There's a scratch in the paint on the new car!新车的漆有一道划痕!




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