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词汇 scheduled
例句 The case is scheduled to go before the Appeal Court next week.这个案件被安排在下周提交上诉法庭审理。The plane was scheduled to depart later that day.飞机定于那天晚些时候起飞。An anthology of his unpublished plays is scheduled to be released next year.他未发表过的剧作选集计划于明年发行。The project is scheduled for completion in three months, and there's a great deal of work to be done in the meantime.这个项目计划三个月完成,在此期间还有大量工作要做。The night before he was scheduled to be executed, the group held a candlelight vigil for him outside the prison. 在他行刑的前一天晚上,这群人在监狱外彻夜为他做烛光祈祷。The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.市政厅的重建计划于下月开始。The investigation showed that the airplane had deviated from its scheduled route.调查显示飞机曾经偏离了既定航线。He is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an awards ceremony.他被安排在颁奖典礼上作主题发言。The shuttle was scheduled to dock with the space station.航天飞机计划与太空站对接。The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system.定期航班的数量正使得空中交通管制系统不堪重负。The competition should have been re-scheduled for a later date.这次比赛本应该重新安排在之后的某一天进行。He is scheduled to die in the electric chair this week in Texas.他将于本周在德克萨斯州被送上电椅处死。A new round of negotations is scheduled to begin next week.新一轮谈判定于下周开始。The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。Can you verify whether I am scheduled to work or not?你能否核实一下是不是已安排我上班了?The vote has been declared invalid and another election scheduled.这次投票被宣布无效,又安排了一场选举。The two leaders are scheduled to meet again next month to continue the peace talks.双方领导人按计划将于下个月再次会晤,继续进行和谈。When is the book scheduled to go to print? 这本书计划何时付印?Meetings are scheduled to take place all over the country.会议安排在全国各地举行。Talks were scheduled for Rome the following month.会谈定于随后的一个月在罗马举行。The delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.代表团定于明日到达。A spokesperson for the airline said that flights would run as scheduled.航空公司的发言人说这些航班将按计划飞行。The election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the spring.选举安排在春季的某一天举行。The delivery is scheduled for this morning.送货被安排在今天上午。The hospital is scheduled to open March 6.医院计划于三月六日开业。The book is already in its second printing, and a third printing is scheduled for later this year.这部书已经是第二次印刷了,第三次印刷计划在今年晚些时候进行。The release of the movie/album is scheduled for next month.这部电影/这张专辑计划下个月上映/发行。The old factory is scheduled for demolition next week.旧工厂计划在下周拆除。The meeting came off as scheduled. 会议如期举行。The interview is scheduled for broadcast on Tuesday.这次采访安排在星期二播出。No new talks are scheduled.没有安排新的会谈。The plane's scheduled arrival/departure is midnight.飞机定于午夜到达/起飞。The meeting took place as scheduled.会议如期举行。The film is scheduled for release next month.该片定于下月发行。The city is battening down for the weekend's scheduled protests.这座城市正在为拟于周末进行的抗议活动做准备。The new battleship is scheduled to enter service next spring.新战舰预定在明年春天开始服役。We scheduled a meeting for next week.我们把会议定在了下周。The regulations are scheduled to change next winter, and in the interim , we'll be working hard to make all of the appropriate changes.这些条例预定于明年冬天更改,在此期间,我们会努力对所有不妥之处做出适当调整。An appeal hearing is scheduled for later this month.一场上诉听证会被安排在本月晚些时候。Her arraignment is scheduled for two weeks from today.从今天起还有两个星期她就要被传讯了。




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