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词汇 scarf
例句 She twisted the long scarf round her head.她把长头巾裹在头上。She wound the scarf around her neck.她把围巾围在脖子上。We found a cashmere scarf that was just the right color.我们找到一条颜色正好合适的山羊绒围巾。She slowly unwound the scarf from around her neck.她慢慢地解下脖子上的围巾。That scarf clashes terribly with her green coat.那条围巾和她绿色的外套非常不配。A brightly colored scarf can add zing to any basic black outfit.一条颜色鲜艳的围巾可以为任何一套以黑色为主的服装增添生趣。Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck.埃玛脖子上围了一条流苏边的围巾。He wore a long scarf draped around his neck.他的脖子上裹着一条长围巾。I shivered and pulled my scarf more tightly round my neck.我打了个寒战,用围巾把脖子围得更紧了。Your scarf is dragging.你的披肩拖到地上了。This tight scarf is throttling me!这条束得紧紧的围巾快要把我勒死了!She folded her scarf and laid it down on the seat next to her.她把领巾折好放在身边的座位上。The scarf is bordered with gold stitching.这条围巾用金线镶边。The cashmere scarf is this season's must-have.羊绒围巾是本季的必备品。This silk scarf is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.这条丝巾是时尚夏夜的理想配饰。Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?穿上这件外套我再配条围巾好吗?不会显得画蛇添足吧?She covered her head with a scarf.她用头巾包住头。She had been strangled with her own scarf and her body dumped in the woods.她被人用她自己的围巾勒死,弃尸于树林里。She added color to her outfit with a bright scarf.她带了一条艳丽的围巾,给她的装束增色不少。This scarf will look great with your coloring.这条围巾很衬你的肤色。She tied her scarf over her head.她把头巾围在头上。She draped the scarf loosely around her shoulders.她把围巾松松地披在肩膀上。If you don't like the scarf, I can take it back.要是你不喜欢这条围巾,我可以去退掉它。A long scarf was coiled around her neck.她的脖子上围了一条长围巾。This scarf will help keep you warm.这条围巾有助你保暖。She angrily slung a scarf around her head, flattening her halo of hair.她气鼓鼓地把头巾裹在头上,发髻都被压扁了。Keep your scarf on, do your coat up.围好围巾,扣好衣服。A jewelled pin bound the ends of her scarf.一枚嵌有宝石的饰针把她头巾的两头别在一起。She loosened the scarf around her throat.她松开了脖子上的围巾。He wrapped his scarf around his neck.他把围巾围在脖子上。She pulled her scarf over her mouth.她用围巾遮住嘴。She had a scarf around her neck.她脖子上围了一条围巾。This scarf tickles.这条围巾弄得人痒痒的。She was wearing a bright red scarf.她戴着一条鲜红色的围巾。The scarf is a perfect complement to her outfit.这条围巾配她这身衣服,堪称完美。She tied a knot in her scarf.她在头巾上打了个结。The girl now wore a light white scarf twisted about her throat.现在这个女孩在脖颈处盘着一条轻薄的白围巾。I like the way she twists that scarf around her neck.我喜欢她那样把围巾绕在脖子上。A soft scarf hid her hair.一条柔软的头巾遮住了她的头发。She wore a scarf around her neck.她脖子上戴了条围巾。




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