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词汇 Save
例句 Save me a place at your table, OK?你坐的那张桌子给我留个位子好吗?Save the expense of calling out a plumber by learning some of the basics yourself.通过学会一些基本维修知识,省去请水管工的花费。Save a little bit of the paint to do the trim.留点油漆来刷饰边。Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.通过夏季将温度调至高挡冬季调至低挡的方式来省钱。Save your work and close down any applications that are open.储存手头的工作并关闭所有打开的应用程序。Save your breath. She's already made up her mind.别白费口舌了,她主意已定。Save your work often as a precaution against computer failure.经常保存所做的工作,以防计算机发生故障。Every evening in those days the BBC played 'God Save The King'.那些日子里,英国广播公司每天晚上都会播放《天佑吾王》。Save money by converting your car to unleaded.将车改装一下,使用无铅汽油,这样可以省钱。Save your work and then exit the program.先保存你的文件,然后退出程序。Save the document before closing.关闭前要保存文件。She accepted the gift in the name of the Save the Children Fund.她代表拯救儿童基金会接受了捐赠。Save the file in plain text format.以纯文本格式保存文件。Save major painting jobs for the spring or summer.把主要的油漆活儿留到春天或夏天干。Save the last dance for me.最后一支舞和我跳吧。Just hit the Save button every few minutes.每几分钟就要按一下保存钮。Save the document to disk before closing it.关闭文件前把它保存到磁盘上。Save some energy for the end of the race.为比赛的最后一程保存些体力。Save some of the cheese to sprinkle on top of the sauce.留点乳酪撒在酱汁上面。Immunization is an important part of Save The Children's work.疫苗接种是救助儿童会工作的一项重要内容。




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