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词汇 satellite
例句 The friction between the satellite and the atmosphere generates great heat.卫星与大气的摩擦产生大量的热。A test satellite was launched from Cape Canaveral.一颗实验人造卫星从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空。A satellite receives the signals and then sends them back to earth.卫星接收到信号,再把信号发回地面。Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.许多卫星传送的节目都是加密的,只有付费的用户才能收看。The satellite is beyond retrieval.这颗卫星是无法回收的。The pictures are broadcast through a live satellite link with Tokyo.图像是由与东京连接的实况转播卫星传送的。They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit.他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道。That TV program was bounced from a satellite in space.那个电视节目是由太空卫星转播的。The satellite measures atmospheric gases responsible for ozone destruction.该卫星测量破坏臭氧的大气层气体。The images were snapped by a satellite camera.这些图片是由卫星上的照相机拍摄的。The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the earth's atmosphere.卫星坠经地球大气层时会碎裂起火,化为灰烬。Images of the planet are sent by satellite.人造卫星发送了该行星的图像。We weren't able to unscramble the satellite signal.我们无法解读这个卫星信号。The satellite was tumbling out of control.卫星失控坠落。The satellite plummeted into/toward the ocean.卫星坠入海中。There have been slight deviations in the satellite's orbit.卫星轨道有些许偏差。They put a satellite into orbit.他们将一颗卫星送入轨道。You will have to buy a satellite dish or get cabled up.你得买一个卫星天线或是铺设电缆。The broadcast came from America by satellite.广播节目从美国通过人造卫星转播过来。The company broadcasts on satellite and cable.该公司通过卫星和有线电视播送节目。The satellite slowly rotates as it circles the earth.人造卫星围绕地球旋转的同时也在缓慢自转。The store is offering to install satellite dishes at no extra cost to the buyer.该商店为购买盘式卫星天线的客户免费提供安装服务。The two TV stations are joined by a satellite link.这两家电视台由卫星连接。Blake spoke to the audience live via satellite from San Diego.布莱克在圣地亚哥通过卫星直播对观众讲话。The satellite was stowed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth.这颗卫星被收藏在航天飞机的货舱以返回地球。The party consolidates its power by building up satellite organizations.这个党透过建立卫星组织巩固它的权力。The pictures can be transmitted by satellite throughout the world.这些图片可由卫星向全世界发送。The software decodes the information embedded in the satellite broadcasts.这种软件能够解读卫星广播中的信息。The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC.设在卢森堡的卫星服务公司无须像英国广播公司那样遵守严格的规定。Astronauts will make a final attempt to rescue the satellite.宇航员将为抢救这颗卫星做最后尝试。Launched by the Soviets in 1957, the Sputnik was the first satellite in the world.苏联人在一九五七年发射的人造卫星是世界上的第一颗人造卫星。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.那些额外的空气分子产生的阻力使卫星撞向地球。The satellite could also be used to gather intelligence.卫星也能用来搜集情报。The earth is a satellite of the sun.地球是太阳的卫星。The performance will be transmitted live via satellite.演出将通过卫星直播。The satellite burned up on re-entry.卫星在重返大气层时烧毁了。Many publishers now print in a variety of satellite plants around the country.现在许多出版商都在全国各地的附属工厂印刷书刊。He's thinking of subscribing to satellite TV.他正在考虑付费收看卫星电视。Your findings tie in with our own satellite observation reports.你的发现与我们自己的卫星观测报告是相符的。The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials.编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。




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