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词汇 sank
例句 The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。The cat sank its teeth into his finger.猫把牙齿嵌进他的手指。They were lost at sea when their ship sank en route for Madeira.前往马德拉的途中船沉了,他们葬身大海。My suggestion that we all play tennis sank like a stone.我提出的大家都去打网球的建议犹如石沉大海,无人响应。He managed to sit up but soon sank back exhausted.他努力坐直身体,但一会儿就累瘫了。My heart sank when I realized we couldn't afford the new house.当我意识到我们买不起新房时,我的心顿时沉了下去。He drivelled and sank back on to the pillow.他流着口水,把头埋进枕头里。As the sun sank lower and lower, the sky first turned pink and then orange.太阳渐渐下沉,天空先是呈现出一片粉红色,接着又变成了橙红色。The boat nearly sank under the increased weight.船的载重增加后,几乎要沉下去。Clara carolled on a sigh that sank deep.克拉拉用一声深沉的叹息唱着颂歌。She made/sank/holed the putt. 她轻击球入穴。He sank into the chair with a sigh.他叹了口气,瘫倒在椅子上。My heart sank at the thought.我一想到这心就沉了下去。The dog's teeth sank into my flesh.狗牙咬进了我的肉里。She sank back into the embrace of the sofa.她向后一靠陷入沙发中。She started to sit up, grimaced, and sank back weakly against the pillow.她坐了起来,露出痛苦的表情,又有气无力地倒在枕头上。Kate laughed, and sank down again to her seat.凯特大笑起来,然后一屁股坐回座位上。She sank into a state of desolation and despair.她陷入悲痛和绝望中。Some pop singers sank virtually within a year.一些流行歌手不到一年就无声无息了。I sank to my knees to reduce the risk of detection.我跪在地上以减少被发现的危险。Mrs Miller seemed at a loss for words. She sank down into a chair and took off her hat.米勒太太似乎不知说什么才好。她颓然坐进一把椅子,脱去了帽子。The sick man's voice sank to a whisper.病人的嗓门低得几乎听不见。The sun sank and darkness fell on the island.太阳落下了,黑暗笼罩了那座岛。The boat sank in a violent storm at sea.船在海上强烈的风暴中沈没。She was stunned and sank to the ground.她被击昏倒在地上。Her first album was a big success, but after that she sank without a trace.她的首张专辑大获成功,但之后她就销声匿迹了。He felt giddy and sank to the ground.他头一晕便倒在地上了。The flames sank down at last.火势终于减弱了。It sank in a howling gale.它在呼啸的狂风中沉没了。He sank the spade into the ground, and went at it.他把铁锹插到地里,开始卖力地干了起来。We sank all our money into my brother's business.我们把自己所有的钱都投在了我哥哥的生意上。He sank most of his money into his struggling business.他把自己的大部分钱都砸在他那勉力维持的生意里了。With a whoosh of escaping air from his lungs, he sank into a chair.他呼的一声从胸口吐出一口气就倒在椅子里。The dollar sank even lower yesterday on world markets.昨天美元在世界市场上进一步下跌。His boots sank deep into the mud.他的靴子深深地陷进了泥里。He sank into deep melancholia.他陷入了深深的忧郁之中。He sank the ax into the tree.他将斧头砍进了树里。He made a few records which all sank without trace.他录过几张唱片,但都无人问津。He sank up to his knees in the mud.他陷在泥里直到膝盖。The ship baffled against high winds and finally sank.船在大风中挣扎,最后沉没。




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