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词汇 sales
例句 The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.这个方法几乎杜绝了向未成年人出售香烟的现象。Worries have been expressed about the current trend of amalgamating sales teams.有人对当前销售团队的兼并趋势表示了不安。These stores do not permit sales of alcoholic beverages.这些商店不准出售含酒精饮料。The company has appointed a new sales director.这家公司已任命了一位新的销售主管。The company's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.这家公司在许多西方国家的产品销售已接近饱和。New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.新款时装遇上销路不畅就要蚀本卖出。High-street retailers reported a marked increase in sales before Christmas.商业街的零售商报告说圣诞节前销售量显著提高。Ford is looking for part-time sales staff.福特公司在招聘兼职销售员工。The sportswear company reports a jump in sales since the Olympics.这家运动服装公司的报告显示自奥运会以来销量猛增。The sales and advertising departments are both part of the marketing division.销售科和广告科都是市场部的下属部门。Two-thirds of the sales force will be deployed to protect the existing customer base.三分之二的销售人员将被调动去保护现有的客户群。The company has a very large sales force.公司拥有一支很大的销售队伍。There is too much of a competitive element in the sales department.销售部竞争太大。I try to go to yard sales early to get the best pickings.我打算尽量早点去宅前售卖点以便能捡到最划算的东西。The early sales reports are cause/reason/grounds for optimism.初期的销售报告让人们有理由持乐观态度。Your sales figures reflect well on your ability as a salesman.你的售货数字说明你作为销售员的才干出色。This should send our sales into the stratosphere.这应该会使我们的销售额一路飙升。The company is bringing out the welcome wagon for the new sales recruits.公司将为新招募的销售员举行迎新活动。The boss exploded with anger when he saw the sales report.当老板看到业务报告时,他气炸了。Home sales are declining/dropping precipitously.住房销售正在猛降。They're worried that they won't achieve this year's sales quota.他们担心完不成今年的销售指标。She got a job as a sales assistant selling handbags.她得到了一份手提包售货员的工作。More ominously, sales are down.更令人担忧的是销量下降了。The bidding was brisk and sales went well.买家踊跃出价,销售形势不错。These sales figures must be out. We certainly haven't made that much money this year.这些销售金额一定算错了。今年我们肯定没有赚到那么多钱。To pep up sales, the company is offering a free trial subscription for one month.为了激励销售,公司正提供一个月免费试用的订购服务。To end on a positive note, we are seeing an increase in sales this month.从乐观的角度做个总结,我们这个月的销售额有所上升。The advertising campaign has improved sales.此次广告宣传活动提高了销量。She set a record for the most sales in the history of the company. 她创造了公司历史上的最佳销售纪录。He moved to the sales department.他去了销售部。Home sales provide a useful way of gauging the overall state of the economy.住宅销量是衡量总体经济状况的一个很好的尺度。Martin showed me a graph of their recent sales.马丁给我看了他们最近销售情况的图表。She's been asked to advise on training the new sales team.她受邀为新销售队伍的培训提供建议。All the company's sales are channelled through outside distributors.公司的所有产品都是通过外部的分销商销售出去的。There was a threefold increase in mobile phone sales compared to last year.手机销量和去年相比增长了三倍。Let's kick off the meeting with a look at the sales figures.会议开始,我们看一下销售数据吧。Can you project our sales in the coming year?你能预测我们来年的销售情况吗? The sales clerks were abrupt and impatient with the customers.销售人员对待顾客态度唐突且缺乏耐心。This has been a record month for sales.这是销售额创纪录的月份。Only the head of sales has an overview of the situation worldwide.只有销售主任对全球局势作了回顾。




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