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I always thought she was a selfish woman but she was an absolute saint compared to Abigail.我一向认为她是个自私的女人,但是与阿比盖尔相比,她是个绝对的大好人。His wife must have been a saint to put up with him for all those years.他妻子容忍了他那么多年,一定是个圣人。Each saint was depicted with his or her symbols, which provided a short cut to recognition.每位圣人都画有各自身份的象征符号,很容易辨认。She is venerated as a saint.她被尊崇为圣徒。The success of her books has made her the patron saint of a new literary movement.她的书大获成功,使她成为新文学运动的领袖。It was a holy place, the shrine of a saint.这是个神圣的地方,一个圣徒的神殿。You need the patience of a saint for this job.做这份工作需要有极大的耐心。These endless meetings are enough to tax the patience of a saint.这些没完没了的会议连圣人也无法忍受。The salesperson was a saint for putting up with them.那个销售员简直是个圣人,容忍了他们。He was declared a saint in the fifth century.他在五世纪被封为圣徒。Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.奇西克教堂为水手的守护神圣尼古拉而建。She has the patience of a saint. 她非常有耐心。St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers.圣·克里斯托弗是旅行者的主保圣人。St Nicholas is the patron saint of children.圣尼古拉是儿童的守护神。He occasionally tells an off-color joke, but his image is practically that of a saint.他偶尔也会讲讲黄色笑话,但他的形象几乎是圣洁的。The saint appeared to him in a vision while he was at prayer.他祷告的时候,那位圣人在异象中向他显现。He's been called a modern-day saint.他被誉为当代圣人。He's a cross between a dictator and a saint.他集独裁者和圣人于一体。He has been described variously as a saint, hero, and thief.有人说他是圣人,有人说他是英雄,也有人说他是盗贼。They erected a shrine to the saint.他们为这位圣人建造了神庙。Every parish was named after a saint.每个教区都以某位圣徒的名字命名。St. David is the patron saint of Wales.圣·大卫是威尔士的守护神。He is a saint in her sight.他在她心目中是圣人。Already his followers were calling him a saint.他的信徒已经在称他为圣人了。Your mother's a saint. She's done so much to help us.你母亲简直是个圣人,她帮了我们这么多的忙。The American people have canonized Abraham Lincoln as half hero and half saint.美国人把亚伯拉罕·林肯尊为半是英雄半是圣人。Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.不幸的是,公众把小说和现实混为一谈,把她当成了圣徒。My girlfriend is a saint to put up with me.能够忍受我,我的女朋友真的很有耐心。He's no saint.他可不是什么圣人。Anyone who teaches my children must be a saint.任何一个教我孩子的人都必须是慈爱且有耐心的人。I feel that she would try the patience of a saint.我觉得圣人都能被她逼疯。 |