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词汇 ruptured
例句 The tanker began spilling oil the moment her outer plating ruptured.油轮外部金属板覆层破裂的那一瞬间,油开始外溢。The crime ruptured the peace of a small town.这一罪行破坏了小镇的治安。The truck crashed into a wall and ruptured a fuel tank.卡车撞上墙,撞破了油箱。Less than half the people with ruptured aortic aneurysms survive.主动脉瘤破裂的病人只有不到一半的存活率。I almost ruptured myself trying to lift that heavy box.为了提那个沉重的箱子,我差点儿发了疝气。Emergency teams capped a ruptured gas well.抢险队封住了爆裂的天然气井。The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示着德国的重新统一。My friend couldn't help because he was ruptured.我朋友帮不了忙,因为他疝气发了。Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.打羽毛球时,我的跟腱撕裂了。The impact ruptured his liver.冲击力使他的肝脏受损。Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was laid up for a year.鲍威尔的椎间盘破裂,在床上躺了一年。The noise ruptured the tranquility of the afternoon.吵闹声打破了下午的宁静。The pipe ruptured because of high water pressure.水管因高水压爆裂了。His liver was ruptured when a brick wall collapsed on him.一堵砖墙坍塌压住了他,使他的肝脏破裂了。High water pressure ruptured the pipe.高水压使水管破裂了。The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.冲击力使两个油箱都破裂了。The scandal ruptured relations between the two countries.这起丑闻使两国关系破裂。His appendix ruptured and he had to be rushed to hospital.他突然阑尾穿孔,不得不被紧急送进医院。




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