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词汇 runny
例句 I like eggs lightly cooked so that the yolk is still runny.我喜欢煮得嫩些的鸡蛋,这样蛋黄还是溏心的。I have a runny/stuffy nose.我流鼻涕/鼻塞。Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.症状包括流泪、流鼻涕、头痛和咳嗽。Warm the butter until it becomes runny.把黄油加热让它变稀。Symptoms include streaming eyes and a runny nose.症状包括流泪和流鼻涕。The butter had gone runny in the heat.黄油遇热后就化了。The sauce looked runny so I added some more flour.调味汁看上去太稀,所以我又加了些面粉。The sauce was too runny and not cheesy enough.这份调味酱太稀,奶酪味不足。I've got a sore throat and a runny nose.我嗓子疼而且流鼻涕。Serve with runny honey or maple syrup as desired.依口味加稀蜂蜜或枫糖浆上桌。A fever and runny nose are symptomatic of the flu. 发烧和流鼻涕是流感的症状。My eyes felt itchy and runny.我的眼睛发痒还流泪。Do you like your eggs cooked hard or runny?你喜欢把鸡蛋做得老一点还是嫩一点?The scrambled eggs are runny.这些炒蛋是稀软的。He suffered from a snotty nose, runny eyes and a slight cough.他又是流鼻涕,又是流眼泪,还有点咳嗽。Leave the eggs nice and runny.将蛋煎成刚好溏心。Warm the honey until it becomes runny.将蜂蜜加热直到它变稀。One of the toddlers was bawling, and the other had a runny nose.一个小孩在大声嚎哭,另一个在流鼻涕。




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