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词汇 round the bend
例句 If you ask me, she's completely round the bend.要我说的话,她完全疯了。We watched his car as it rounded the bend and sped off out of sight.我们看着他的汽车转了弯,加速开走直至看不到了。As they rounded the bend, the house came into view.他们绕过转弯处,那座房子便映入了眼帘。We hadn't heard from our daughter in days, and we were practically going round the bend.好几天都没有接到女儿的消息,我们差不多要疯了。As we rounded the bend, I could see the town up ahead.我们转弯时,我看到了前面的市镇。His attitude drives me round the bend.他的态度把我惹恼了。Ease off a bit as you go round the bend.转弯时开慢点。He was really moving as he came round the bend.他转弯时速度真是快。I sometimes feel I'm going round the bend looking after young children all day.整天照看小孩子,我有时候觉得我都快疯了。I had such a heavy workload last semester that I almost went round the bend.上学期我的课业很重,差点发疯。The motorcyclist had a brush with danger as he skidded round the bend.摩托车驾驶员在道路弯曲处打滑了,差一点出了危险。Her behavior really drives me round the bend.她的举动真令我受不了。And can you make that tea before your fidgeting drives me completely round the bend.你能不能把那壶茶泡好?瞧你坐立不安的样子,真要把我惹急了。People thought I was round the bend.人们以为我疯了。She was really glad when she gave up teaching. It was driving her right round the bend.她真高兴辞去了教书的工作,那工作快把她逼疯了。




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