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词汇 rough in
例句 He roughed in the frame of the new door.他大致勾画出了新门的框架。My hands get very rough in the cold.天一冷我的手就变得特别粗糙。The cloth was rough in texture.这种布料质地粗糙。I started the first rough in black with a brush.我用画笔涂黑色开始描绘第一张样图。He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.他一直露宿街头,以引起人们对无家可归者境况的关注。I roughed in the layout of the mine in the back of my diary.我在记事簿的背面粗略地画出了矿井的布局图。He roughed in the buildings and trees with a pencil.他用铅笔勾画出建筑物和树木的轮廓。I'll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky round it.我把头形勾勒出来,你可以在头四周画上天空。He has roughed in the shape of her head in pencil.他用铅笔勾画出她头部的轮廓。Additional space is roughed in for future development.为将来的发展额外预留了一些空间。I'm supposed to present roughs in just over a week.我得在短短一周之后把草图交上去。An increasing number of young people are sleeping rough in London.伦敦越来越多的年轻人露天睡觉。




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