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词汇 roses
例句 She sent him a bunch of red roses.她送了他一束红玫瑰。The roses are now in full bloom.玫瑰花现在正在盛开。The smell of roses scented the room.玫瑰的香味弥漫着整个房间。Someone had placed a bunch of freshly cut roses on her desk.有人在她桌上放了一束刚刚剪下的玫瑰。They garlanded him with roses.他们给他戴上玫瑰花环。Being in a relationship is not all roses, you know.你知道,谈恋爱并非总是柔情蜜意,也有不如意的事。I picked some roses and only then did I notice that my mother's favourite vase was missing.我采了一些玫瑰花,直到那时我才发现我母亲最喜欢的那个花瓶不见了。We all knew that life was unlikely to be a bed of roses back in England.我们都知道回到英格兰以后的生活不太可能幸福完美。Miniature roses do not need much pruning and are ideal for planting in pots.小型玫瑰不需要太多修剪,适合种在花盆里。A breeze wafted the scent of roses towards our table.玫瑰的香味随风向我们的桌子飘过来。The roses are just coming into flower.玫瑰花刚开始开放。The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.花坛中开满了百合花和玫瑰花。Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses. They have special significance.什么也比不上第一次收到红玫瑰时的激动心情了。它们具有特别的意义。Most roses like a sunny position in a fairly fertile soil.多数玫瑰在土地肥沃、阳光充足的地方长得最好。Both are easy roses to grow from cuttings.两种玫瑰都容易扦插成活。The scent of climbing roses wafts through the window.藤本月季的芳香飘进了窗户。Everything came up roses for her.对她来说一切顺利。He hugged her and handed her a bouquet of roses.他拥抱她,接著递给她一束玫瑰花。He sent a dozen red roses to his girlfriend on her birthday.女朋友生日那天,他送了一打红玫瑰给她。A gentle breeze wafted the scent of roses in through the open window.一阵微风将玫瑰的香味从敞开的窗子里送了进来。Red roses are for love.红玫瑰代表爱情。She played with the red roses on the table as she talked.她一边说话,一边摆弄着桌上的红玫瑰。He helped me pot the roses.他帮我把玫瑰栽入盆中。The roses were planted in clumps across the park.公园里到处种着一簇簇的玫瑰。He came up the walk, whistling and smelling the roses.他走向花园的小径,吹着口哨,闻着玫瑰花的香味。The voyage had been no bed of roses; quite a few had not survived the trip.那次航行可没有那么舒适愉快,很多人没有活下来。The roses are doing so well this year, with all this sunshine.今年阳光这样充足,玫瑰长得真好。When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.上星期公布的诈骗案调查结果证明员工们是清白的。He grows roses in tubs on the terrace.他在阳台上木盆里种玫瑰。He gave her some roses in return for her kindness.他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。Now you've talked about work on daffodils, what about other commercially important flowers, like roses?.既然你们已谈到了种植水仙花,那么其他具有重要商业价值的花卉呢,比如玫瑰?The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花正盛开著。The garden was a picture with all the roses in bloom.花园里所有的玫瑰花都开了,看起来真美。Some red roses blanch in the direct sun.有些红玫瑰在日光直接照射下会变成白色。He is pruning his roses.他在修剪他的玫瑰花。Peaches, apples, and roses belong to one family.桃、苹果和玫瑰属于同一科。The old roses and rhododendrons were an unbeatable combination.紫灰色的玫瑰与杜鹃花是绝配。Pete was trimming the lawn around the roses.皮特在修剪玫瑰丛周围的草坪。He complimented his wife with a dozen roses.他送妻子一打玫瑰花以表敬意。The flowerbeds brim with a mixture of lilies and roses.花坛里长满了百合和玫瑰。




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