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词汇 ropes
例句 The right political forces seemed to be on the ropes.右派政治力量看上去要垮了。You won't find the job difficult, once you get to know the ropes.一旦掌握诀窍,你就会觉得这工作并不难。I've been to Japan before so I know the ropes.我去过日本,所以我熟悉那里的风俗习惯。Susan will show you the ropes and answer any questions that you have.苏珊会教你怎么做并回答你所有的问题。He untangled the ropes.他把缠在一起的绳子解开了。She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles.她连忙解开绑着脚踝的绳子。The ropes are tense.这些绳子是拉紧的。We'll use ropes to stabilize the platform.我们将用绳子来固定这个平台。He had burn marks from the friction of the ropes on his skin.他皮肤上有绳子的擦伤。The boxer was pushed back against the ropes.拳击手节节败退,靠到围绳上。He struggled to free himself, but the ropes were too tight.他挣扎着想脱身,但是绳子太紧了。The boat joined our group, the lock gates closed, and we untied our mooring ropes.那艘船加入了我们的船队,水闸关闭,然后我们解开了系船缆。With perfect synchronization, two other girls cartwheeled toward the ropes.另外两个女孩同时朝围绳那里做侧手翻,动作同步性极佳。He goes climbing up cliffs without ropes or anything? Oh well, it takes all sorts.他去攀岩不带绳子什么的? 哇,真是什么人都有啊。He tied the ropes together. 他把两根绳子系在一起了。His hands were entangled in the ropes.他的双手被绳索缠住了。The army claims the rebels are on the ropes.军队声称叛军支撑不了多久了。The army says the rebels are on the ropes.军方说叛军已经走投无路了。People who shop at thrift stores regularly know the ropes.经常光顾旧货店的人知道怎么淘旧货。The climbers were linked together by ropes.登山者用绳子连在一起。He became entangled in some ropes and was strangled.他被几根绳子缠住后勒死了。I've been to the country before, so I know the ropes.以前我去过那个国家,所以知道那里的情况。They pinioned us with strong ropes.他们用粗绳绑住我们双臂。Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they haul sacks of cement up the track.利用绳子和木棍取得杠杆作用,他们把几大袋水泥从轨道上拖开。The strong ropes gave us good purchase for getting up the side of the cliff.牢固的绳索为我们攀登悬崖提供了可靠的把手。The middleweight boxing champion had his opponent up against the ropes.那个中量级拳击冠军将对手逼到了拳击台的护栏上。The moment she got to know the ropes, there was no stopping her.一旦她懂行了,就什么也难不住她了。The ropes were anchored to the rocks.绳子固定到岩石上。The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to release the ropes.热气球飞行员示意地面人员松开绳索。She still had the marks from the ropes on her body.她身上仍有绳子绑过的痕迹。You'll need someone with you for the first few days to show you the ropes.头几天需要有人教你怎么做。She thought she knew the ropes about teaching.她认为她对教学很在行。Safety ropes ensure that climbers are safe during the ascent.安全绳确保登山者在向上攀登时平安无事。The veteran cop showed the rookie the ropes.那位经验丰富的警察给新手演示办案的诀窍。Lynn spent an afternoon showing the new girl the ropes.林恩花了一下午的时间教那个新来的年轻女职员入门。It will take a few weeks for new employees to learn the ropes.新员工要花上几周时间才能熟悉工作。There's too much slack in these ropes.这些绳子有太多的地方很松弛。He really knows the/his ropes.他是位深谙诀窍的主管。Rescue workers attached the men to ropes before hauling them to safety.救援人员把这些人用绳索绑起来,然后拖到安全的地方。She untied the ropes binding her ankles.她解开了绑着脚踝的绳子。




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