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词汇 rooted
例句 We just stopped there, rooted to the spot.我们一下子就停在了那里,呆若木鸡。This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.这个传统同样深深地植根于过去。Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.必须杜绝任何不道德的事发生。She stood rooted to the spot, too afraid to move or speak.她生了根似的立在那儿,不敢动,也不敢出声。She rooted around in her handbag and found it.她把手提包翻个遍,终于把它找到了。Racism is a deeply rooted prejudice which has existed for thousands of years.种族主义是存在了几千年的根深蒂固的偏见。Their antagonisms are deeply rooted in religion.他们的对立基于根深蒂固的宗教成见。The country's economic troubles are deep-rooted. 这个国家的经济问题根深蒂固。I was rooted to my chair by/with fear.我吓得坐在椅子上动弹不得。Martin wanted to run, but he was rooted to the spot.马丁想要跑,但是吓得动弹不了了。His problems are deeply rooted in his childhood experiences.他的问题深深地根源于他儿时的经历。Drugs and violence are deeply rooted in American life.毒品和暴力在美国社会生活中已经根深蒂固。She rooted the seedlings in pots before planting them in the garden.她将幼苗放在花盆里生根,然后再把它们移植到花园里。Her affection for him was deeply rooted.她对他的爱坚贞不移。The lust for revenge is a deeply rooted human emotion.复仇的强烈欲望深植于人类情感之中。There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries became rivals and went to war.早在这两个国家成为敌人并且兵戎相见之前,它们之间就有了根深蒂固的种族偏见。He stood still, his feet rooted to the ground in fear.他吓得站着一动不动,脚底像生了根似的。Shelley's friendship with Byron was rooted in their shared contempt for cant and hypocrisy.雪莱和拜伦的友谊源于他们均蔑视假话空话和伪善行为。I was rooted to the spot, unable to take my eyes off the strange creature.我像是粘在了地上似的一动不动,没法不去看那个怪物。She stood there rooted like a plant.他像一株植物般一动不动地站在那里。Her opinions are deeply rooted in her faith.她的观点是牢固地建立在其信仰之上的。They're rooted in a shared ideology.他们植根于共有的意识形态。Inefficient managers will be rooted out.不称职的管理人员将被开除。Anarchism is deeply rooted in the country.在该国无政府主义根深蒂固。His analysis was rooted in a somewhat tendentious reading of French history.他的分析源于对法国历史带有一定偏见的解读。He stood rooted to the spot, unable to move.他呆若木鸡,一动不动。His need to be liked obviously springs from a deep-rooted insecurity.他渴望别人喜欢他,这显然源于一种根深蒂固的不安全感。She rooted around in her purse to find her keys.她翻遍手提包找钥匙。His opinion is rooted in experience.他的意见是牢固地建立在经验基础上的。He rooted around in the drawers and found the letter.他把几只抽屉翻个遍,终于找到了那封信。Clumps of thyme had rooted themselves between the rocks.一丛丛百里香在岩石中间扎了根。The conflict in the area was rooted in history and religion.这个地区冲突的根源在于历史和宗教。Uniquely among the great world religions, Buddhism is rooted in the universal experience of suffering known to all human beings.与世界其他主要宗教不同的是,佛教植根于人类共知苦难的普遍经验。French doctors tend to regard drug dependence as a form of deep-rooted psychological disorder.法国医生倾向于把毒瘾看作是一种根深蒂固的心理障碍。He had a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority.他有一种根深蒂固的自卑感。She rooted through the bag, found what she wanted, and headed toward the door.她在包里翻了一阵,找到了想要的东西,然后朝门口走去。Fear rooted me to my chair.我吓得坐在椅子上动弹不得。Leila rooted through her handbag for a pen.莉拉在手提包里翻找钢笔。We rooted for the woman candidate.我们支持那位女候选人。The crisis is rooted in deep rivalries between the two groups.这场危机的根源是这两个群体之间积怨已深的敌对情绪。




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