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词汇 Roosevelt
例句 She wrote to Roosevelt's secretary in answer to his letter of the day before.她写了信给罗斯福的秘书,回复罗斯福前一天的来信。Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US.罗斯福四次当选美国总统。After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt's call to war resonated throughout the nation.日本攻击珍珠港之后,罗斯福总统号召全民参战在全国产生共鸣。President Roosevelt reformed a rotten banking system and put the country back to work with his New Deal.通过新政,罗斯福总统改革了腐朽的银行体系,使国家走上了正轨。Roosevelt was up in arms against Germany.罗斯福准备同德国作战了。Roosevelt's chief worry at the time was that an attack on Britain would put the US at a strategic disadvantage.罗斯福当时主要担心的是,对英国的进攻会让美国处于不利的战略地位。Despite Roosevelt's broken promise to balance the budget, he was elected president four times.尽管罗斯福没能履行平衡预算的诺言,但还是四次当选总统。President Roosevelt didn't waste time trying to cuddle up to Wall Street.罗斯福总统从不浪费时间去迎合华尔街。Roosevelt's social reform program broke new ground.罗斯福的社会改革计划开辟了新的天地。She was with Roosevelt immediately before his death.就在罗斯福去世的前一刻,她还在他身边。Even journalists succumbed to Roosevelt's easy charm.连记者都为罗斯福那轻松自如的魅力所折服。Roosevelt's reforms were designed to save American capitalism from itself.罗斯福的改革专为拯救美国资本主义自身而制定。The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt.胜利促使他给罗斯福发了封喜报。Roosevelt was defiant in the face of the bad news.对这个坏消息,罗斯福毫不理会。His political idol was Roosevelt.他最崇拜的政坛人物是罗斯福。President Roosevelt and his like-minded colleagues罗斯福总统及与他观点相似的同僚们Hitler wanted to beat Roosevelt to the draw with his declaration of war.希特勒想赶在罗斯福的前面宣战。In his book, Churchill describes that historic first meeting with Roosevelt.在书中,丘吉尔描述了他与罗斯福具有历史性意义的第一次会晤的情景。Roosevelt occasionally attempted to circumvent him.罗斯福偶尔会尝试以智胜他。Neither man was unmindful that Roosevelt had other qualifications.两人都注意到罗斯福还有其他一些资历。This is one of the branches of the Roosevelt family.这是罗斯福家族的一个支系。Roosevelt either did not learn of the scandal or refused to credit what he heard.罗斯福要么不知道那个丑闻,要么就是不愿意相信。The guide showed us the old home of former President Theodore Roosevelt.导游带我们看了前总统西奥多‧罗斯福的故居。




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