例句 |
What a pack of rogues they are!他们真是一帮无赖!His client roster is a rogues' gallery of the most notorious criminals of recent years.他的委托人花名册上都是一群近年来最为臭名昭著的罪犯。He occupies a prominent position in the rogues' gallery of the financial world.在金融界那帮臭名昭著的家伙中,他是数一数二的人物。They look like a rogues' gallery.他们看起来像一群流氓无赖。The report explodes the myth that men are bed-hopping rogues.那份报告使所谓男人是拈花惹草、用情不专的坏蛋的观念不攻自破。It was quite a party. You've never seen such a rogues' gallery in your life.那是一次非同寻常的社交聚会。谁也未曾见到过那么些丑类都凑在一起。 |