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词汇 robbed
例句 A mob stoned and robbed the shops.一群暴民用石头砸了商店,并抢劫店里的货物。I've been robbed.我被抢劫了。Some poor slob got robbed.一个可怜的老百姓被抢了。She robbed a bank while out on parole.她在假释期间抢劫了一家银行。They were robbed at knifepoint. 他们被人持刀抢劫了。They were robbed/held at gunpoint.他们遭到了持枪抢劫/劫持。Many of the tombs had been robbed and left open to the sky.这些墓有许多被盗,在露天下大敞四开的。He regained the ground he had lost and just robbed me of victory on the tape.他迎头赶了上来,在终点上把胜利从我手中夺了过去。That's the man who robbed the bank. I would stake my life on it. 抢劫银行的就是那个男人,我敢拿性命担保。They'd robbed the bank in broad daylight.他们在光天化日之下抢劫了银行。He made a great shot, but the goalie robbed him. 他射门很漂亮,但守门员把球封住了。The police caught the perpetrators who robbed the bank.警方抓住了抢劫银行的罪犯。Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers.海盗登上船只,抢劫旅客。There were stories of tourists being drugged and robbed.据说有游客被麻醉后遭抢劫。Her illness robbed her of a normal childhood. 因为病痛,她失去了正常的童年生活。This job has robbed me of all worth.这工作埋没了我的长处。They robbed the bank.他们抢了银行。He was robbed by a man who was in cahoots with the bartender.一名男子与酒吧侍者合谋对他实施了抢劫。The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles.恶棍们抢了他,连衣服都给剥光了。If the body is robbed this way for too long, vital organs break down.要是长期这样糟蹋身体,主要器官肯定出毛病。They were knocked to the ground and robbed of their wallets.他们被打倒在地并被抢走了钱包。They robbed her of her life savings.他们盗走了她一生的积蓄。She was robbed of her fortune.她被抢走了钱财。She kept watch outside while the others robbed the bank. 其他人抢劫银行时,她在外面望风。The tourists were ambushed and robbed while riding in the desert.旅游者们在沙漠中骑行时遭到伏击和抢劫。The anglicizing policy robbed Irish nationality of a great deal of its native force.英国化政策大大削弱了爱尔兰民族主义原有的力量。Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.警方说夫妇俩先遭到捆绑和抢劫,最后才被枪杀。They robbed the people of their liberty.他们夺走了人民的自由。The cashier was robbed at gunpoint.那名出纳员遭到了持枪抢劫。The illness robbed him of a normal childhood.疾病使他失去了一个正常的童年。There was a very real danger of being robbed during the night.确实存在晚上遭抢劫的危险。The witness testified that he had seen the suspect run out of the bank after it had been robbed.证人作证说他看见犯罪嫌疑人在银行被抢后从银行里跑出。His calmly rational voice robbed his words of all offence.他那娓娓说理的嗓音使他的话听来一点儿不刺耳。No one knows who robbed the bank, but the police suspect that it may have been an inside job. 没有人知道是谁抢劫了银行,但警方怀疑有可能是内部人干的。An elderly woman was robbed and sexually assaulted.一个老妇人遭到了抢劫和强暴。He was robbed of his wallet.他的钱包被抢了。My wife and I were held up at pistol point and robbed.我和妻子曾在枪口威逼下遭抢劫。Most of the Egyptian tombs were desecrated and robbed.绝大多数的埃及古墓已遭人破坏和劫掠。The woman had been robbed and was badly shaken.那个女人遭人抢劫,受到了极大的惊吓。One should not be robbed of his pride.人不应被剥夺自尊心。




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