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词汇 road
例句 They'll have to knock down these houses when they build the new road.他们要修建这条新马路就得拆除这些房子。The government's policy on education is a dead-end road.政府的教育政策是行不通的。After the heavy rain the dirt road was a mush.大雨过后,泥路泥泞不堪。The road grew even steeper and more perilous.路越来越陡,越来越险。He was just able to discern the road in the dark.黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。His car ran off the road. = He ran off the road.他的车冲出了道路。The church stands back from the road.教堂离开公路有一段距离。As I looked out, my gaze fell on a small child by the road.我看看窗外,目光落到了路边一个小孩身上。The car shot across the road at high speed.汽车高速穿过马路。The main road continues towards the town.大路一直延伸到镇里。Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.拖拉机和集装箱货车已经将这条路完全堵死了。We were bewildered by the conflicting road signs.我们被互相矛盾的路标搞糊涂了。The car hit the pole and then cartwheeled across the road.汽车撞到柱子上,猛地翻到了马路对面。It was exhilarating to be on the road again.又上路了,真是令人兴奋啊。The car skidded off the road, hit a tree and overturned.汽车滑出道路,撞到树上后翻了。We have reports of enemy soldiers ambushing civilians on this road.有报道说敌军在这条路上伏击了平民。Make sure your children know about road safety.确保孩子们懂得交通安全知识。The committee met to consider issues relating to road maintenance.委员会碰头讨论与道路养护有关的问题。Look out for icy patches on the road.小心路上结冰的地方。The road ahead was now blocked with traffic.前方道路目前堵车。Widening the road would improve traffic flow.拓宽道路将加快车辆流动。The vehicle skidded across the road before coming to rest against a wall.汽车滑过马路后撞到墙停了下来。The drivers are getting their big rigs back on the road.司机们正把大卡车重新驶上公路。He carefully retraced his steps/footsteps back to the road.他小心翼翼地沿原路折回到大路上。There's a road that goes from Blairstown to Millbrook.有一条路从布莱尔斯敦通向米尔布鲁克。The car broke down on a lonely stretch of country road.汽车在一段人迹罕至的乡间小路上抛锚。There is a tight bend in the road up ahead.前面的路有一处急转弯。This year has seen a big increase in road accidents.今年道路交通事故大增。The road stretched out before them.道路在他们面前延伸开去。Local people are questioning the wisdom of spending so much money on a new road.当地人对花这么多钱修建一条新路是否明智提出了质疑。We arrived at a fork in the road.我们到达一个岔路口。They barricaded the main road with fallen trees.他们用倒下的树堵住了主要道路。The road needs to be resurfaced.这条路需要重铺路面。The Ferrari roared and shot off down the road.法拉利轰的一声奔驰而去。They live like pigs in that house over the road.他们住在路那边的房子里,十分肮脏。His attention was firmly fixed on the road ahead.他的注意力都放在前方的道路上。According to experts, the company took its lumps but is on the road to profitability.据专家说,该公司吃过苦头,但是现在已经开始盈利了。The rebels have opened the road from Monrovia to the Ivory Coast.叛乱分子已经开放了从蒙罗维亚到象牙海岸的道路。The road runs along the ridge.道路沿着山脊伸展。Continue down the same road for another 2 kilometres until you reach the church of Santa Maria.沿同一条路再往前走两公里,直至到达圣马丽亚教堂。




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