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词汇 rival
例句 Fights had ensued between rival gangs of football fans.接着两伙对立的足球迷就打了起来。The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilise, to unify, and then to hold elections to decide who rules.这个计划是要让各派敌对武装遣散军队、联合起来,然后通过选举决定谁来统治。He harbours no animus toward his rival.他对竞争对手不怀任何敌意。There was a violent clash/confrontation between rival supporters after the match.那次比赛后两队的支持者发生了暴力冲突。The Wootton Bassett chief let fly at his rival last week.伍顿巴西特的镇长上周痛斥了对手。Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.警方认为,杀人犯是一团伙成员,当时正和敌对团伙算旧账。Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.艾尔弗雷德因为杀害对手团伙的一名成员而遭到枪杀报复。She was headhunted by a rival firm.她被一家竞争对手的公司挖走了。The majority of the market has gone to their chief rival, Renault.大部分市场都被他们的主要对手雷诺所占有。Police had to interpose themselves between the two rival groups.警方不得不对这两个对立团体进行干预。The rival political parties are already jockeying for power.相互对立的各个政党已经在为谋取大权而不择手段了。Fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city.这座城市中,绝大多数凶杀案件都是敌对团伙之间的斗殴引起的。The college's facilities rival those of Harvard or Yale.本学院的设施堪与哈佛或耶鲁相媲美。There is more interior space than in some rival cars.它的内部空间比一些同类车宽敞。The recent bombings may be a sign of a renewed vendetta between rival separatists.最近的轰炸事件也许是敌对的分裂主义分子间的宿怨之火重新燃起的征兆。This is a cynical attempt to smear a political rival.这是企图诋毁政治对手的冷嘲热讽。The boxer beat his rival to reclaim the national title he relinquished last year.该拳击手击败对手,夺回了去年丢失的全国冠军头衔。Neither he nor his arch-rival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.他和他的死对头朱塞佩·德里察双双落败。The horse pipped his rival at the wire.这匹赛马在终点线以微弱优势击败对手。There's not another guitarist to rival the sheer physicality of his work.再没有哪个吉他演奏者能比他的演奏更加激情洋溢。Leaders of some rival factions signed a peace agreement last week.上周,一些敌对派系领导人签订了和平协议。The SDP now sees itself as a fully-fledged rival party.现在的社会民主党自认为已经是一个完全成熟的反对党。The police believe the fight was due to a dispute between rival teenage gangs.警察认为这场打斗是由两个敌对的青少年帮派之间的纠纷引起的。In his last game of the year, he pitched a no-hitter/shutout against the school's rival team.在他的年度最后一场与校内对手的比赛中,他当投手,没让对手得分。The airline is currently having merger talks with an unidentified rival.该航空公司目前正在与一个未透露身份的对手协商并购事宜。The company's paper is the rival of any in the world. 这家公司生产的纸可与世界任何地方的纸媲美。The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.一个敌对的黑手党家族雇用了那个枪手来实施这一卑劣行动。Violence flared when groups of rival supporters met in the city centre.对立双方的支持者在市中心遭遇时,发生了暴力冲突。Few museums could rival the Old Royal Observatory at Greenwich for a grand day out.若想找个地儿开心地逛一天,几乎没有哪家博物馆能比得上格林尼治皇家天文台。No one can rival him in eloquence.在口才方面没有人能与他匹敌。Our rival company managed to steal a march on us by bringing out their software ahead of ours.与我们竞争的公司先于我们推出了他们的软件,从而抢占了先机。Fighting between rival gangs resulted in the death of a teenage boy.两伙敌对的流氓打群架,造成一名少年死亡。Rico had been shot by a member of a rival gang.里科被敌对黑帮的一名成员开枪打中了。He began his lecture by talking down the initiatives of a rival company.他在讲座一开始就贬低竞争对手的计划。The company has decided not to go through with the takeover of its smaller rival.这家公司已经决定放弃收购较小竞争对手的计划。The team was pipped at/to the post by its longtime rival.球队在最后一刻被老对手以微弱优势击败了。The fight started as an argument between rival gang members.这场斗殴起源于对立的帮派成员之间的争执。The rival guerrilla groups had agreed to stop fighting and settle their differences peaceably.敌对的游击队已经同意停战并和平解决争端。She was quick to jump on her rival's poor record as governor.她即刻严厉指责竞选对手在担任州长期间的不良政绩。The rival nations signed a covenant to reduce their armaments.敌对的国家签署了裁减军备条约。




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