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词汇 risked
例句 She risked a glance back over her shoulder.她壮着胆回头看了一眼。Why should he have risked all that to become an agent of a foreign power?为什么就该他冒失去这一切的风险做外国势力的代理人呢?She risked her life to save her children.她冒生命危险去救她的孩子们。The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.这场战争可能会引发危险的连锁反应,从而威胁到全世界的安全。To have fought Paul on this would have risked ripping the family apart.在这一点上和保罗作斗争可能会使这个家庭破裂。By criticizing her boss, she risked losing her job.批评老板使她冒丢掉工作之险。Workers who broke the strike risked being attacked when they left the factory.破坏罢工的工人在离开工厂时有遭受攻击的危险。He risked his life to save the child.他冒生命危险救那孩子。The country risked a war.国家面临战争的风险。The dashing hero risked life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.这位勇往直前的英雄冒着生命危险从恶龙的手中营救达夫妮。They risked life and limb to pull the child from the river.他们冒着生命危险把那个孩子从河里救了上来。The firefighters risked getting bricked when they answer calls.消防队员接到火灾警报,就意味着要去冒被砖头砸的危险。They risked death by being on the streets after curfew.他们冒着生命危险在宵禁之后出现在街头。He risked public shame and possible imprisonment.他冒着当众受辱和身陷囹圄的危险。I risked life and limb to get here on time.我冒着生命危险才准时赶到这儿。The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue the fishermen.英勇的中士冒着生命危险救那些渔夫。They were warned that they risked dismissal if the strike continued.他们被警告说如果继续罢工就有遭解雇的危险。She had risked her life to save me.她曾冒着生命危险救我。At the top, I risked a glance back.在顶端,我壮着胆回头瞟了一眼。She had risked her life to save mine.她冒着生命危险挽救了我的生命。She risked her life to help him.她冒着生命危险去帮助他。She risked a quick glance back over her shoulder.她冒险扭头迅速地瞥了一眼。She risked her life for the sake of the children.她为了孩子冒生命危险。He risked breaking his neck.他冒着极大的风险。A parade was organised in honour of Madame Blier, who had risked her life to save the villagers from enemy soldiers.组织游行是为了纪念布利尔夫人,她曾经冒着生命危险把村民从敌军手里救出来。The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child.那位勇敢的人冒著生命危险试图救那孩子。She risked her life to save the drowning child.她冒着生命危险去救那名落水儿童。The US president risked giving the appearance that the US was taking sides.美国总统冒险表示出美国正在选边站的姿态。He risked losing his wife just to have a quick screw.他冒着失去妻子的危险只是为了玩一夜情。They risked losing their jobs.他们冒著失去工作的风险。Lurie risked a pretty big chunk of change on the race.卢里在这次赛马上冒险押了一大笔钱。He risked all his money on starting his own business.他冒着倾家荡产的风险创办了自己的公司。I risked a glance back.我壮着胆回望一眼。He has risked life and limb to bring us these news reports.他冒着生命危险把这些新闻报道带给我们。We risked becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.我们冒着沦为发达世界笑柄的风险。The ministers must have realized that they risked what could be a major diplomatic row with France.部长们应该已经认识到了他们这样做可能会与法国产生严重的外交纠纷。The US president risked giving the appearance that the US was taking sides.美国总统冒险作出美国正在摆明立场的姿态。Knowing that the lines were tapped, I had not risked a phone call.知道电话被人搭线窃听,因此我没敢打电话。Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.马克斯警告她说她这是在玩火,有被起诉的危险。She risked her own life to help a disabled woman.她冒着生命危险去帮助一个残疾妇女。




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