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词汇 rising prices
例句 Steadily rising prices are pressing most heavily on the poor.不断上升的物价压得穷人喘不过气来。 There were rumblings about rising prices.人们对持续上涨的价格怨声载道。Housewives demonstrated against sharply rising prices.家庭主妇们示威抗议急遽上涨的价格。They are caught in an inflationary spiral of rising prices and wages.他们陷入物价和工资竞涨的通货膨胀恶性循环之中了。The Labour Party swept into on a tide of discontent over rising prices.在人们对物价上涨不满的浪潮中,工党轻而易举地重新当选执政。The rising prices were neutralized by a falling inflation rate.物价上涨的势头为下降的通货膨胀率所抑制。People are starting to get edgy about rising prices.人们对物价不断上涨开始感到不安。When asked to explain where all the money had gone,father pointed to the rising prices.当问及爸爸所有的钱都用于何处时,他指着不断上涨的物价。The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices.国家可能不得不采用控制物价上涨的非常措施。




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