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词汇 rising
例句 Inflation is rising.通货膨胀在加剧。The dam was too weak to withhold the pressure of the rising water.水坝不够牢固,抵挡不住水上涨的压力。The mayor has promised tough action in response to the city's rising crime wave.市长许诺要对该市不断激增的罪案采取强硬措施。The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.朝阳染红了东方的天空。How badly reform is needed was indicated recently by the rising youth crime figures.最近青年人犯罪数字在提高,这说明了改革的迫切需要。Cinema admissions have been rising.看电影的人一直在增加。He was the leader of an armed rising against the elected government.他是反对民选政府的武装叛乱的首领。We all lament the rising crime figures.我们都对犯罪率的升高感到痛心。With interest rates rising, they did not want to stretch themselves too far.随着利率的上涨,他们不想让日子过得太紧。The number of nervous disorders in the profession was rising.该行业患神经紊乱的人数正在上升。Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost.即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。The rising cost of electricity provides a strong/powerful incentive to conserve energy.电费上涨为节约能源提供了强大的动力。Police are fighting a losing battle against the rising crime rate.警方正在针对不断上升的犯罪率进行一场无望取胜的战斗。It isn't just a lack of moral fibre that leads to a rising divorce rate.离婚率上升不仅仅是因为道德品质的缺失。Unemployment figures are rising month by month.失业数字每个月都在增加。World governments are becoming increasingly concerned about rising global temperature levels.各国政府对全球气温上升越来越感到忧虑。The rising water set everything awash.上涨的水使每样东西都漂浮起来。Government figures published today show that unemployment is rising again.政府今天公布的数据显示,失业人数又在上升。Many of the inhabitants were displaced by the rising floodwaters.许多居民由于洪水上涨而离开了家园。The island is sinking into the ocean due to rising sea levels.因海平面上升,该岛正慢慢沉入大海。Unemployment is rising steeply.失业率急剧上升。The cost of health care is rising faster than ever.医疗保健费比以往增长更快了。I watched the column of steam, black then white, ever changing and rising.我观看那蒸汽柱,它时黑时白, 不断变化着向上升去。Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising.本周要发布的官方数字表明,长期失业者人数还在增加。She felt a bubble of hysteria rising in her throat.她感到一阵歇斯底里的冲动,想大喊出来。The rate of disconnections following non-payment of water charges is rising.不缴水费引起的断水的比率正在上升。Black, rising to his feet again, was coolly levelling the gun at him.布莱克再次站起身来,沉着地将枪口瞄准他。An increase in the price of drugs has contributed to the rising cost of medical care.药品价格的上涨导致了医疗保健费用提高。The survey suggests that rising crime is the top of the average American's concerns.此项调查显示,罪案上升是美国人普遍最担心的事。The nation may have to recur to unusual methods of controlling rising prices.国家可能不得不采用控制物价上涨的非常措施。The batsman rose on his toes and played the rising ball down into the ground.击球手踮起脚将这记上旋球击到场地中。The level of the water in the lake was rising fast.湖的水位上升得很快。We are entering a period of slow economic growth and rising unemployment.我们正进入一个经济增长缓慢和失业率增加的时期。The unemployment rate is rising in that country.那个国家的失业率正在上升。Levels of earnings are still rising.收入水平仍在提高。By contrast, demand for beer is rising throughout Africa and east Europe.相比之下,非洲和东欧对啤酒的需求量正在上升。You use a rising tone in English to indicate a question.在英语中用升调来表示疑问。Inflation will go on rising.通货膨胀将继续上升。The country faces economic recession and rising unemployment.国家面临着经济衰退和失业率增加。Housewives demonstrated against sharply rising prices.家庭主妇们示威抗议急遽上涨的价格。




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