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词汇 rightly
例句 He can be very good at acting when he is rightly cast.只要角色对他的路子,他可以演得非常精彩。He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London.他马上中止了在西班牙的度假回到伦敦。Her achievements in this field have been rightly praised.她在这一领域的成就得到了恰如其分的赞扬。People are rightly upset about the city's rising crime rate.人们有理由为城市的犯罪率上升而感到不安。They've been punished for their crimes, and quite rightly.他们犯罪受到了惩罚,这很理所当然。Many people, rightly or wrongly, believe that the economy will soon improve.且不问对还是错,许多人相信经济将很快好转。They quite rightly complained to the manager.他们向经理投诉,这完全合乎情理。It was a badly researched product that consumers rightly rejected.这项产品研发不力,理所当然遭到顾客的拒绝。Everyone rightly feared the coming war.人人都担心战争即将爆发,这是理所当然的。They rightly guessed that he would refuse to help.他们猜准了他不肯援手相助。As he rightly pointed out, there is no real evidence that the president acted improperly.正如他正确指出的那样,没有确凿证据能够证明总统的行动有不妥之处。She rightly decided not to go.她明智地决定不走。They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。She rightly admires his paintings.她恰如其分地赞赏他的绘画。Many people, rightly or wrongly, believe the economy will soon improve.且不问对还是错,许多人都相信经济将会很快好转。He was a man rightly unashamed of his own talent.他是个对自己的才华毫不遮掩的人。The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.法官正确地行使了决定权,接受了该项证据。She rightly anticipated a decline in the value of the stock.她准确预料到那只股票价值的下跌。I didn't rightly know what he meant.我不确定他是什么意思。He rightly contends that it is not true.他满有道理地宣称说,这是不确实的。I can't rightly say what happened.我说不准发生了什么事。It was a vicious foul, and the referee rightly sent him off.这是个恶意的犯规动作,裁判理所当然地把他罚下了场。He rightly assumed that the boy was hiding.他猜准那个男孩是藏起来了。They rightly condemn such opinions as racist.他们指责这些观点是种族歧视,言之有理。They believe, rightly or wrongly, that their violent protest will achieve their aims.他们相信,且不问对错,他们的暴力抗议会达到目的。Doctors have rightly stressed the importance of exercise.医生恰当地强调了锻炼的重要性。America's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy.美国的首要任务自然是刺激经济。They rightly expect to be obeyed.他们理所当然地期待别人服从。Residents are outraged, and rightly so.居民们感到极为愤慨,这是很自然的。She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.她恰当地指出了论点的不足之处。He believed, rightly or wrongly, that she was guilty.且不问他的看法对不对,他坚持认为她是有罪的。She attended one meeting only, if I remember rightly.如果我没有记错的话,她只参加了一次会议。Investors have quite rightly avoided this stock.投资者避开这股票是有充分理由的。As you so rightly pointed out, our funds are not unlimited.你所言极是,我们的资金并不是没有限度的。If I remember rightly, today is his birthday.如果我没记错的话,今天是他的生日。If new words aren't useful, they will quite rightly die.新词如果没有用就会自然淘汰。How the binoculars had found their way to the back of the airing cupboard he couldn't rightly say.双筒望远镜怎么跑到晾衣橱的后面去了,他也说不清楚。They are rightly jealous of their reputation as the top law firm in New York.作为纽约最顶尖的律师事务所,他们理所当然要维护自己的声誉。She is now considered, and rightly so, to be Canada's leading writer.现在她被理所当然地认为是加拿大第一作家。They are unimpressed with the scheme and rightly see it for what it is.他们对这个方案印象平平,觉得它不过如此。




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