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词汇 right-hand
例句 He is the Governor's right-hand man.他是州长的得力助手。Put your address in the top right-hand corner of the page.把你的地址写在这页的右上角。There's no sound coming out of the right-hand speaker.右边的喇叭不出声了。The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner.显示你身高的指针在右上角。I want to plug the kettle into the right-hand socket.我想把水壶插到右手边的插座上。I sleep on the right-hand side of the bed.我睡在床的右边。Newman's resignation leaves his boss without a right-hand man.纽曼的辞职使得他的老板手下没有了得力的助手。He jackknifed his length into the right-hand seat of the car.他弓着身子坐进汽车的右座。The left brain controls the right-hand side of the body.左脑控制人的右半身。It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation.普遍做法是把自变量放在等式的右边。He/She is the CEO's right-hand man.他/她是首席执行官的得力助手。Put the knives and the soup spoons on the right-hand side and the forks on the left.把刀和汤匙放在右手一边,把餐叉放在左手一边 He found success hard to come by after losing his right-hand man.失去了得力助手后,他发现自己很难获得成功。Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.仔细审题,然后在右栏中写下答案。In the US, you drive on the right-hand side of the road, but in the UK the converse applies.在美国汽车靠右行驶,但在英国却正好相反。The soldiers numbered off, straight from the right-hand man.士兵从右边开始报数。Number each page in the upper right-hand corner.在每页的右上角标上号码。Write your name in the upper right-hand corner of the page.把你的名字写在页面的右上角。Double this heading at the top of every right-hand column.在每个右栏的顶端复制这个标题。The right-hand sides of these two equations are equal. It follows that the left-hand sides are likewise equal.这两个方程式的右边相等,所以它们的左边同样也相等。How will he cope without his right-hand man?失去了得力助手,他如何应付呢?It's on the right-hand side.它就在你的右边。The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。That's my husband in the top right-hand corner of the picture.照片右上角的那个人是我丈夫。They live in a small house on the right-hand side of the road.他们住在路右边一所小房子里。Our building will be on the right-hand side.我们的大楼在右边。The right-hand side of the face is obscured in deep shadow.脸的右侧处于阴影中,看不清楚。He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。John is Bill's right-hand man and has put a lot of time into the team.约翰是比尔的得力助手,为这个团队倾注了大量的时间。Please write your name on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.请在这页的右上角签上你的名字。He is Rupert Murdoch's right-hand man at News International.他是鲁珀特·默多克在国际新闻公司的得力助手。The crew shut down the right-hand engine of the aircraft.机组人员关闭了飞机右侧的引擎。Beria, the head of the KGB, was Stalin's right-hand man.克格勃头目贝利亚是斯大林的得力干将。You can't do a right-hand turn here.这里不可以右转弯。




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